Stellar Insights: November 11 - 17, 2019

Image: Unmasking_the_Secrets_of_Mercury via NASA

Image: Unmasking_the_Secrets_of_Mercury via NASA

While there’s a lot going on astrologically this week, I wanted to focus on Mercury. I did also want to give a big nod to a stirring Full Moon which occurs on Tuesday, which you can read about here.

I’m writing this right now during the Transit of Mercury. 

This rare event, in which you can see—if the sky is clear, which it isn’t here, and you have a solar filter on your telescope, which I do not—Mercury pass over the Sun. It occurs 13 times each century. It began at 7:35 am EST and spans 5+ hours. It’s akin to an eclipse, but instead of the Moon passing over the Sun, Mercury is. Owing to their size and orbits, instead of the whole Sun being obscured by Mercury, only a portion is.

What may this mean astrologically? Be open to a strong message or clarion call emerging. Pay attention to ideas that may be unearthed. Yet, make sure too much mental activity doesn’t obscure your energy and vitality. If you’re reading this after it’s occurred, reflect back on the last few days to see what may have arisen for you. 

Remember that with Mercury currently retrograde that it’s already passed through this part of the zodiac—19 degrees Scorpio—on October 17 and will do so again on November 30 when the messenger planet is back again in direct motion. You may find that ideas/notions that you’re now getting yield new powerful insights on ideas/notions that arose around that October date and that you may further access synthesized and wholistic understanding of this realm as November turns to December.

Also, remember that mythic Mercury was thought to be the psychopomp, a god that could travel between the upper world and the underworld. As such, Mercury is one of the planets we look to when reflecting upon dreams and dreamwork. And with Mercury currently retrograde, it’s a concentrated time of internal focus; and with it being in Scorpio, a sign known for its probing, it’s a period where we can dig in to the depths and focus on the treasures found in the darkness.

Therefore, not only does this whole Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio feel powerful but I can’t help imagine that with the Transit of Mercury that our dreams may not but be striking and poignant, providing both clarion and siren calls. Turn to your dreams, and see what they bring forth. Thank your dreams before you sleep, reverentially asking them for insights for the highest good and see what they bring forth.

Of course, as you may know, I’m a big fan of dreams, and even currently working on a book about the subject (The Complete Book of Dreams is being published by WellFleet and will be out in September 2020). Reflective of that, I’m not saying that it’s only this week when we should turn to them, that they only have value now. It’s more that I feel like with the layers of strong communication that can arise from deep within (or down under our conscious mind) it may be an interesting focus to see what, if anything, your dreams this week yield. 

If you’ve never worked with Dream Incubation, a practice in which you query your dreams before you go to sleep for insights on a particular subject, this week may be a wonderful time to try it. To do this practice, throughout the day think of something that’s alluding you: it can be insights to an issue in your life (whether it be about relationships, career, family or something else) or a creative problem. As you relax into the evening, begin to frame a simple question that captures your intent for the insights you’d like your dreams to offer. The question should be straightforward and clear.

Write it down in your dream journal or, if you don’t have one, a piece of paper by your bedside. As you go to sleep, focus upon your question, like a mantra or a prayer, having it lull you to sleep. In the morning when you awaken, lie quietly in bed, asking yourself what you dreamed and see what comes forth. Write down what you remember; at first don’t worry about how it may answer your question—just write down what you recalled. Then throughout the day see whether what came forth gave you insights on the realm of life in which you wanted more clarity.

Remember that Dream Incubation doesn’t always work the first time you do it and may take some repeating. Yet, I still think that even beginning to work with this practice this week yields benefits—after all, with the Full Moon in ritual/routine-honoring Taurus, it’s a good time to connect to practices that may help us uncover hidden treasures. 

Astrological Highlights 

November 11

  • Sun/Mercury Conjunction (Transit of Mercury)


November 12

  • Taurus Full Moon

  • Mars/Jupiter Sextile


November 13

  • Mercury/Saturn Sextile

  • Sun/Pluto Sextile

  • Mercury/Neptune Trine


November 14

  • Venus/Neptune Square