Stellar Constellations FAQs
Ever since I began my deep dive into systemic family constellations work years ago, I have personally experienced its transformative power. It is a potent, poignant, and soulful approach to healing, and I’m beyond thrilled to now offer it to my clients. Whether this is your first time hearing of systemic family constellations (or family constellations, as I often refer to it) or it’s a therapeutic method with which you’re familiar, I wanted to offer you this backgrounder. Should you want more information about my family constellations sessions, please visit this page or contact me with questions and/or to schedule a session.
This backgrounder contains the following FAQs. Scrolll through the whole page or click on any specific question below to jump to the topic in which you are interested.
Is family constellations a tyPE of astrology?
When I tell people that I am doing family constellations work, they assume it’s a form of astrology. That makes complete sense given its name as well as the work for which I’m known. Yet, it is not. The “constellation” portion of its name is related to the viewpoint of seeing the family as a system or network made up of individuals. Yet, my orientation to this work does weave in an astrological orientation (you can learn more about this below). As an astrologer, that this new healing approach about which I am so passionate is named constellations brings me a lot of joy and feels exquisitely synchronistic. Reflecting this, I like to think of this work as Constellations x Constellations and Stellar Constellations.
What is family constellations?
Family constellations is a breakthrough healing approach that is gaining greater popularity across the globe. A method that weaves together family systems therapy and spiritual mysticism, it is a therapeutic orientation pioneered by the psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, one which continues to evolve thanks to the contributions of practitioners worldwide.
Family constellations affirms that individuals are influenced by the systems to which they are connected, the most fundamental one being our families. It recognizes that out of our deeply-seated need for belonging, we may disavow parts of ourselves as we take on—whether consciously or unconsciously—unresolved burdens of our relatives and/or ancestors.
These entanglements, as they are called, can hold us in a blind loyalty and stifle our freedom to authentically be ourselves, limiting our ability to freely express who we are. As reflected in the title of Mark Wolynn’s popular book on the subject, It Didn’t Start With You, family constellations recognizes that some of the unexplained personal challenges and obstacles we face may be rooted in inherited family patterns. Its techniques help us to access more awareness of our ancestral lineage and the dynamics inherent within them. In doing so, we can catalyze deep healing, release intergenerational traumas, and re-establish a flow of love within ourselves and our families.
What is an object constellation?
A central core of this healing approach is to create a constellation, an embodied schema that allows you to more clearly see the various facets of your life, the family system of which you are a part, and the dynamic interplay between the pieces that make up the whole. In group constellations, workshop participants are called to “represent” a client’s intention, obstacle, relatives, ancestors, and the like. In an object constellation—which is the technique I currently use—we work with crystals and other small figures as representatives of these as well as planetary placements and other important factors. This vignette then becomes dynamic as it is reflects the shifts that emerge as awareness arises throughout our work.
What occurs in your family constellationS sessions?
As noted above, my family constellation sessions are an individual process, rather than done in a group setting. Focusing upon an intention you would like to make manifest, we will anchor into how you will feel upon the accomplishment of your envisioned aim, what will flow, and what will open up for you. Through the lens of your intention, we will then identify the obstacle/s that currently appear to block your movement forward.
We will then create a symbolic map with which we will work in our exploration through doing an object constellation (see above). This dynamic schema will not only point us towards blocked energies and intertwined relational dynamics but also, importantly, to pathways for resolution and movement. As we conclude our session, healing sentences or meditations may be offered as may suggestions for building a simple altar to continue to activate and channel the transformative movements that were galvanized.
How do you weave astrology into your family constellations sessions?
Before our session, I will prepare your astrology chart, identifying its key signatures. Additionally, I will survey current transits and progressions you are experiencing as this may deepen our understanding of what is currently being called forth into your awareness, to support the unfolding of your life path. During the session, I will share any insights I feel will deepen the alchemical work we are doing, allowing you to further access greater clarity about yourself, familial patterns, and your potential. Additionally, the object constellation itself may include astrological signifiers.
Does the session include looking at my family’s astrology?
My single family constellation sessions do not involve a review of your relatives’ birth charts or the astrological patterns that weave through your lineage. Yet, if we do a series of sessions, we can bring that into our work. In addition, I’m working on developing a deep-dive family constellation series that will include an ancestral astrology component that looks to discover astrological patterns that stream through your family.
what are some ways this work can be beneficial to my life?
Many of my clients have the desire to express their creative selves, whether through pursuits related to entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship and/or artistic endeavors, and our work focuses on their releasing blockages that keep them from fully being their empowered and creatively expressive selves. Additionally, many clients do this work when they are going through a transition in their life. This may include, but is not limited to, times when they are seeking more clarity about their relationship life, reflecting upon their career path, looking to further bolster their well-being, enhance the dynamics within their family and/or have come to a juncture in which they need to make an important decision. Additionally, some people come to this work not because of a question about a concrete realm of their external life but related to something internally that they are working through. This could be patterns of anger, apathy, confusion, or a feeling of being stuck.
Many people describe feeling more supported and resourced in their life, experiencing an enhanced sense of flow and inner trust. A deeper connection to self is often experienced as is a greater freedom to be oneself in numerous facets of life, including in relationship with family members. I have also witnessed people discovering more peace and forgiveness, for themselves and others. Additionally, doing this work can inspire one’s subtle perceptive capacities and enhance your intuition.
Who are your family constellations inspirations?
In the past several years I have been studying with many acclaimed teachers. I have taken numerous courses with Emily Blefeld and Dan Booth Cohen of Seeing with Your Heart and am currently enrolled in their Alchemical Constellation Training Program. I have studied with Suzi Tucker as well as a variety of other teachers—such as Sarah Peyton, Bill Mannle, Francesca Mason Boring, and others—who learned from Bert Hellinger, as part of a nine-month training program I completed through the International Family Constellations Training Institute. I continue to be inspired by my worldwide network of colleagues who, like myself, are committed to deepening their knowledge in this powerful alchemical healing approach.
What DO your clients say about your work?
It’s hard to explain the transformation that occurred in just one family constellations session with Stephanie. I walked away with an immense and immediate sense of peace and closure. It was truly therapeutic and healing in a gentle yet profound way. Stephanie is such a clear, caring channel and guide and creates an environment that feels safe and easy to do very deep personal work. - Kaylee C.
I have been working with Stephanie for a few years now, and her sessions are always intuitive, powerful, deeply informative and moving. It is hard for me to describe in words the effect that family constellation session has had on me, but suffice to say that I felt then, and continue to feel, immense benefits from the experience. I feel as though I have healed on multiple levels and am better equipped to face the world with a love and understanding for myself, my past, and my beautiful future. I can't thank her enough, and I would highly recommend this work to anyone curious about it. - Jessi F.
I've had the pleasure of doing constellation work with Stephanie several times, and each session was quite profound, revelatory, and transformational. I especially like how she uses astrology to focus the work, which I found very helpful. During the session, I felt not only a mental and emotional shift, but also an energetic one. - Megan S.
I’ve loved my 1:1 readings with Stephanie over the years and was thrilled to recently discover her astrology-informed family constellation work. Her gentle and intuitive approach helped me to identify patterns, release obstacles, and alchemize new ways of healing. Her guidance is both stabilizing and transformative. - Shannon K.
How can I learn more and schedule a session?
Here you can find more information on my astrology-informed Family Constellation Sessions. For questions and/or to schedule a session, please write to me.