Sagittarius New Moon: Being Enlightened by Exploration

Photo by Simone Hutsch via Unsplash

Photo by Simone Hutsch via Unsplash

November 26, 2019: Sagittarius New Moon 

New Moons are auspicious monthly celestial events that usher in fresh cycles of creation. This Sagittarius New Moon marks an auspicious time to undertake a new project that can help us forge a greater understanding of the world around us, and further determining what truth is (and isn’t). Expanding our horizons to embrace a different philosophical perspective—even just trying it on for size temporarily—can be incredibly valuable and uplifting.

Around the Sagittarius New Moon we may find ourselves starting sentences with the word Why. These may be questions that help us garner understanding or declarative statements with which we share our knowledgeable perspective with others. Relatedly, it’s a good time to give homage to those who have been our teachers or guides, who have lit the path for us so that we can travel it with more enlightenment. From this reflection we may also gain unexpected insights into how we have served as preceptors for others.

Travel is oftentimes on our minds as we desire to expand our vantage point and have experiences that stretch the definition of who we are and what we understand. Even if actual travel itself is not possible, exploring other cultures through magazines, the Internet, a foreign film, or even enjoying an ethnic meal provides ways to spark new beginnings in our personal quest to understand what is possible in life.

As Neptune shifts direct the following day (November 27), this New Moon day may have us feeling a little bit unmoored, as if we’re floating on water rather than standing on solid ground. Go with the flow, seeing where the streams want to take you. While a path may seem circuitous, if you have faith that it is taking you towards your goal, then see whether you’re able to let go and allow yourself to be carried with the tide. Find a sense of knowing within, tune inward to really hear what your inner voice is saying, tapping into your intuition and the wisdom that comes forth in your dreams. There’s a call for cultivating compassion and yet we need to do so in a way that doesn’t have us letting go of boundaries in a manner that will deplete ourselves. Watch the water: learn from it while also making sure to shore up the structures that surround it so that it doesn’t break its proverbial (or literal) levy, allowing unwanted overflow to occur.

This month’s New falls at 5 degrees of Sagittarius (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Sagittarius or the other mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces—it may impact you more intensely.

Sagittarius New Moon Apothecary Suggestions

Sagittarius is associated with the liver, hips, buttocks, thighs, and sciatic nerve. Pay attention to these parts of the body and areas of health around the time of this New Moon.

Vervain flower essence: The Sagittarius New Moon can have us expanding our worlds with the heightened desire to share our ideals and philosophies. This can be wonderful in terms of invoking passionate enthusiasm yet if unchecked it can also lead to the nervous agitation that comes from being zealously attached to one’s one beliefs. If you want to stay inspired and yet nurture some detachment and perspective, consider Vervain flower essence. [Flower essences are vibrational elixirs that you can find in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.]

Liver-supporting foods: As Sagittarius is the sign related to the liver, focusing on this important organ—vital for detoxification—is a great thing to do around the time of this New Moon. As New Moon signify beginnings, consider making changes in your diet today that will be of benefit in the future. Some liver-supporting foods to add include the Brassica vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, et al.), which feature sulfur-containing phytonutrients that ramp up detoxification enzymes. Also, limiting the amount of alcohol and additive-containing processed foods can be a boon for hepatic health as can incorporating more organic foods since these don’t contain the liver-challenging chemical residues that conventionally raised foods do.

The New Moon is exact at 10:06 am EST

Stephanie Gailing