Turning to Our Dreams to Guide Us During This Time

Photo by Caroline Hernandez via Unsplash

Photo by Caroline Hernandez via Unsplash

Given we are living in a radical new waking reality, it’s not surprising that our nighttime dreams may be infused with reflections of our concerns, hopes, and fears as we try to find our footing to navigate this moment in life, in history. The canvas of our dreams may reflect our giving voice to emotions we may not express during the day and a stage upon which we’re trying to work out the complexity of the transformation that we are going through personally and collectively. As our oneiric visions are an arena in which we often problem solve, unencumbered by the constraints of rational thought, we may also find ourselves not only integrating the throngs of new information but seeing how we may also find new approaches to navigate never-before-navigated territories.

Listen to your dreams. Hear what they have to say. You may find them to be an even more trusted light now that helps you flow through the waves of this new world and new way of being. They may also help you to discover a transformed vision of your life dreams, ways to keep that dream alive and have it manifest in your waking life.

In the next days, I’ll be bringing back my What Did You Dream Last Night? collective dream journal on my Instagram and Facebook pages so that we can also share our dreams and feel witnessed. Please follow along if you feel it would be supportive and inspiring.

dreamsStephanie Gailing