Stellar Insights: September 28 - October 4, 2020

Photo by Luis Villasmil via Unsplash

Photo by Luis Villasmil via Unsplash

Feeling like you have a lot of things (or people) vying for your attention right now? Does a battery of responsibilities have you feeling heavy under the weight of all you need to attend to, as you feel like there’s only so much time in the day, and wondering whether you have enough?

If so, you’re not alone.

With Saturn stationing direct on Monday and it making a challenging square aspect to Mars on Tuesday, heaviness, gravity, and overwhelm may seem to be on the menu, and an essence of somber may fill the air.

Yet, that’s not to say that we need to fold under the weight of all that we need to attend to; rather we can heed Saturn’s wisdom and take inventory (what is it that I need to accomplish?) and discern where our responsibilities lay (or do not). Being organized can be key to finding a steady state; making lists, notably assigning days/times to accomplish things, can be a powerful remedy for creating an action plan. When Saturn is strong, we are reminded that time can, in fact, be our ally, and if we honor it as a key ingredient in all that we create, it can help us to achieve great things.

Going slow and being attentive feels like the pathway forward. Keep your eyes on where you’re going, and be careful that rash impulses, or moments of temporary frustration, don’t have you sideswiped, or depleting your energy.

The theme of will and willpower feels really strong this week; not only because of the Mars/Saturn Square; but because we also have an Aries Full Moon. And with that, we may find ourselves able to tap into a reservoir of resolve; yet, it’s important to ensure that you have an aim for which to channel your desire—if not, outbursts and overheating may arise. Given the Sun is in Libra for this Full Moon, consider that bolstering a relationship, championing for justice, and/or pursuing a project that further connects you to beauty can be a focus towards which you can channel your will.

Given that we also have Pluto stationing direct this week, we may find our path peppered with reminders that what you see is not always what you get. We’re again made aware of vast territories that exist beyond our usual sight: whether that’s what resides in our unconscious minds, the discovery of literal and/or figurative buried treasures, or the secrets that we or others keep. We may find ourselves more aware of the themes of power and control, as we see people—perhaps even ourselves—vying for both. 

How do we react when we witness abuses, with people or systems grabbing on to things that are not rightfully theirs?

And in those experiences, how do we not discount our own power and control, instead finding ways to source our ability to channel our energy into things that are truly meaningful to us?

How do we further discover and foster our resilience and commitment to our deepest values?

How do we not turn a blind eye to things and/or unnecessarily declare defeat?

How do we source our shrouded strength, tapping into a fierce and volcanic will that can nourish us and remind us of our personal power?

How do we burrow down into the depths of ourselves to further discern what we believe to be essential and true?

With the panorama of planetary activity that this week features, it seems that these are some of the questions that may guide us forward.

Astrological Highlights

September 28

  • Venus/Mars Trine

  • Saturn Station Direct


September 29

  • Mars/Saturn Square


October 1

  • Full Moon


October 2

  • Venus enters Virgo


October 4

  • Pluto Stations Direct

All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 7 hours GMT) 

Stephanie Gailing