Stellar Insights: December 27, 2021 - January 2, 2022


Photo by John Cameron via Unsplash

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.

– Coretta Scott King


This wise reflection feels very appropriate this week, as expansive Jupiter shifts from collective-focused Aquarius to empathy-inspiring Pisces on Tuesday.


As Jupiter—the planet that reflects abundance, growth, and exploration—has an orbit of 12 years, it spends about 1 year in each sign. As it does, it brings our attention to the realms embodied by that zodiac sign, and these become arenas in which we can discover opportunity and growth. 


For most of the year, Jupiter was in Aquarius (joining Saturn, the planet that points to the areas in which we have to do the hard work). And with that, our collective attention has been focused upon Aquarian realms such as groups and collectives, technology, logistics, science, networks, freedom, social justice, and the fostering of the common good. 


Reflecting this emphasis, one of the AstroTrends that Megan Koval and I envisioned in our 2021 course My Stellar Year was The We in Wellness (We/llness). Whether via the pandemic, the climate crisis, or other means, we have seen how our individual health relies upon the health of others: that my health is not distinct from yours and others, and vice versa.


On Tuesday, Jupiter leave Aquarius for *Pisces, where it will spend a good portion of **2022. What’s inspiring about this is that Pisces is one of the signs that Jupiter rules (the other being Sagittarius) and so the planet of faith and luck is quite strong when it resides here. 


And with this, we may find that we’re more open to our dreams, our longings, and our inspirations. We could find ourselves with a greater affinity for magic and mystique. With our boundaries more permeable, we may experience heightened compassion, empathy, and caring; love may stream through on an even greater frequency. And with Pisces ruling quintessence and unitive consciousness, soulfulness, spirituality, and the means to connect to a greater level of consciousness (I’m looking at you, the psychedelic revolution) may become even more in vogue.


Yet, of course, we need to look at the other side of this, notably too because Pisces tends to glamorize things and we don’t want only apply our rose-colored glasses outlook to this astro happening. With Pisces connecting us to our ideals, we may find people feeling really immersed in what they believe to be true and take that on—without much checking in with rationality—lock, stock, and barrel. As such, we may see the rise of people playing prophet, martyr, or fanatism promoter. Also with Pisces enhanced sensitivity, a drive for holistic healing may be on the upswing and yet for those who struggle with emotional overwhelm there may be an enhanced desire for escapism, including the unsupportive routes to doing so. (Given that Jupiter in Pisces will meet up with Neptune, the other ruler of this sign, in April, this wave of Piscean inspiration may have even more strength; yet, that’s a topic for another moment and one I will explore in the coming weeks/months.)


For now, let’s look to our dreams and visions with as much hope and clarity as we can. Let’s connect to a sense of flow, to know how to move with the current of our intuition and the love that lights us up and connects us to all others. May Jupiter in Pisces usher in tides of healing, allow us to connect and be guided by the wisdom of our emotions, and the depth of our knowingness. 

I can feel myself wanting to write more on this; after all, Pisces can just go on and on as it’s very connected to the all-connected and the infinite. There’s never really “done” and “complete” when it comes to this sign. Yet, there’s more to this week that I want to share and so I will leave my Jupiter in Pisces reflections there for the moment, hoping that what I shared inspired and informed you.

While there are other astro alignments that occur this week—as you can see below—the other two that I want to give voice to are as follows:


On Thursday, we have the Mercury/Pluto Conjunction. All month, we’ve been diving down deep into what it is that truly brings us value, and how to unearth the riches of not only relationships but our self-worth, thanks to the two-time conjunction of Venus and Pluto (December 11 and December 25). Now with messenger Mercury joining Pluto, we may find that we’re apt to discover more clarity when it comes to communicating what we’ve been learning. (This alignment will occur two more times, owing to Mercury’s upcoming retrograde cycle: on January 28 and February 11.)

Additionally, on Sunday we have the annual Capricorn New Moon. And with this, we can begin to envision just what it is that we want to manifest in the coming month when it comes to expanding the potential of our work, responsibilities, financial stability, and legacy. 


Finally, as 2021 comes to a close, I’m thinking back to this year and all that has arisen. And with that, I think to you again, dear reader, and my enormous gratitude to you. I hope that my words and reflections have given you solace and inspiration, and look forward to continuing to do so in the new year.


May 2022 bring you and your family an abundance of joy and delight.


Much love,



* Jupiter actually dipped its proverbial toe into Pisces this year, May 13 to July 28. Looking back to those times may help us to gain more insights into what the coming months may inspire for us.


** For those who are curious about the dates: Jupiter will be in Pisces through May 10 and then again October 28 – December 19, being in Aries the other times.


Astrological Highlights

December 28

  • Jupiter enters Pisces


December 29

  • Mercury/Venus Conjunction


December 30

  • Mercury/Pluto Conjunction


January 1

  • Sun/Uranus Trine


January 2

  • Mercury enters Aquarius

  • Capricorn New Moon

All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 5 hours GMT)