Dreams and Mercury Retrograde

Photo by Bruce Christianson via Unsplash

Photo by Bruce Christianson via Unsplash

How are your dreams? I’ve heard from many people that their dreams have taken on a different quality over the last few weeks, more vivid and striking. From a collective kairos perspective, I can’t help but think if it’s related to the moment we are in: not only have we been in the midst of Eclipse season and Neptune—the planet related to dreams—has played a prominent role this month but also because of the current Mercury Retrograde, which may offer a special time of orienting to our dreams. As such, I thought I’d share with you an excerpt from my book, The Complete Guide to Astrological Self-Care, in which I address how to work with your dreams during Mercury Retrograde.

"We can work with our dreams during Mercury Retrograde to access insights that can help us further understand how to strengthen our approach to communication.

Pay particular attention if symbols related to Mercury—including computers, books, mail, newspapers, transportation vehicles, bridges, siblings, messengers, and merchants—appear in your dreams. Reflect upon the images and see what they may be revealing to you. Given that our attention often returns to situations that occurred previously during retrograde periods, the past may also show up with more prevalence in your dreams.

If you’d like to practice dream incubation during Mercury Retrograde, you can make inquiries to help you gain further insight into how to craft an important message, strengthen your relationships with your peers, and understand the way that your mind operates. For example, if you’re working on a design project, you could ask your dream for creative solutions. If you’ve had a misunderstanding with a sibling, you could request clarity that will resolve the impasse. And if you’re curious how to solve a problem that’s been plaguing you, you can make that the focus of your dream incubation. While you can practice this any time during the retrograde cycle, you may find that it’s more potent the days around the beginning and end of Mercury Retrograde.”

This current Mercury Retrograde spans 5/29-6/22.

Speaking of dream incubation, it’s a topic that I just explored in a recent IG Live I did with jewelry designer Ann Chikahisa of Chikahisa Studios as part of our Dream Collective Project (which you can get more details about—including how to register for our stellar gift give-away—here). If you’re on Instagram and would like to watch a replay of our talk in which I share tips on how to do dream incubation to inspire your creativity and Ann speaks about how the practice helped her in creating the design for her new talisman, you can find it here.