Stellar Insights: January 24 - 30, 2022


Photo by Sixteen Miles Out via Unsplash

While Venus ends its retrograde cycle this week, I wanted to start by focusing on something else. But I promise, if you read on, you’ll find insights on Venus shifting direct.


Beginning Wednesday, things may start to feel more serious. We may find ourselves not afraid to do the work necessary to build structures of lasting value. As we turn our attention to the realities of situations, instead of fleeing from them, or trying to intellectualize our way through them, we begin to realize that the path forward is to muster our commitments and dedicate our time and energy to that which needs re/architecting. This will help us to marshal our will and endurance to move proverbial mountains. We may also begin to see how conservation doesn’t have to be limiting but can be a smart strategy to freedom over the long term. Additionally, as Capricorn is a sign related to time and the past, objects and perspectives that have a deep and long history may capture our attention even more.


The reason for this focus? Beginning Wednesday, we will have four planets—Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Pluto—all in grounded, pragmatic, loyal, and resource-oriented Capricorn. This Fab Four will be there for three weeks, with Mercury the first to depart, moving into Aquarius on February 14 (both Venus and Mars move into Aquarius on March 5, while Pluto will reside in Capricorn for the better part of the next 2-1/2 years).


Given that Capricorn isn’t a one-and-done sign, but seems to prize things with rather long arcs, note that I’ll be focusing more on these planets over the coming weeks, as they make unions with each other. One does occur this week, which is the conjunction of Mercury and Pluto. Owing to Mercury’s current retrograde cycle, this is actually part two of a three-part story involving the current union of the messenger planet and the planet of transformation. The first occurred on December 30 and the next will be on February 11. Its clarion call is to dive below the surface when it comes to what you think you know and what you think you want to communicate. Unearth layers, release fear of speaking your truth, and honor your desire to solve mysteries. See if there are any thematic similarities between now and the end of December. You may then find that you are able to further synthesize and resolve related issues around the time of their February meet-up.


OK, let’s get to Venus. The love planet has been retrograde since December 19, during which time it seems like we’ve had to look backwards to be able to eventually look forwards when it comes to relationships, money matters, and what we deem to be beautiful and pleasurable. We may have discovered stumbling blocks in some/all of these realms, which require/d us to need to be patient as we reviewed, re-assessed and re-evaluated just what it is that we value. This is still a big focus for the week, as we’re still collecting invaluable treasures of insight that come through looking to the past, seeing things from a different angle, and not being afraid to acknowledge foundational weaknesses so that they can be worked upon and strengthened. (For more on Venus Retrograde, and Venus in Capricorn in general, see here.)


On Saturday, Venus will end it’s six-week backwards dance. As it does, you may sense that something is shifting, that the traction you’ve sought is now returning and that you can begin to take action based upon what you’ve recognized to truly be an asset to your life. That said, Mercury is still retrograde, and will be so until February 3, and so if you find yourself feeling that the clarity you connect to wants more time to distill until you share it with others, that seems quite aligned. Notably too because reflecting the lunar cycle, this weekend is the Balsamic Moon, a time of rest, renewal, and internal focus. The New Moon will occur on February 1, ushering in new beginnings and fresh starts. Plus, Sunday features a Sun/Uranus Square, which invites us to be flexible, adaptive, and keep an open mind to see how things want to naturally evolve.


Have a beautiful week!




Astrological Highlights

January 24

  • Mars enters Capricorn


January 26

  • Mercury re/enters Capricorn


January 28

  • Mercury/Pluto Conjunction


 January 29

  • Venus stations direct


January 30

  • Sun/Uranus Square

All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 5 hours GMT)