Stellar Insights: March 7 - 13, 2022


Photo by Evan Chen via Unsplash

On Sunday, Venus finally departed the in-it-for-the-long-haul sign of Capricorn, where it resided for an extended period of time (usually Venus is in a sign for four week yet owing to its recent retrograde it was in Capricorn for four months). And with this, I encourage you to consider two things:


1/ Have you found yourself gaining more clarity about how time is an essential ingredient in any recipe? Have you uncovered new realizations about the benefit of playing the long game? Have you learned anything new about loyalty, what it means, and where your loyalties lie? I ask all these as these are some of the Venus in Capricorn lessons we may have had access to.


2/ Venus is now in Aquarius, meeting up with Mars yesterday in this sign. Both will be in this future-forward sign through April 5 (Venus) and April 14 (Mars). And with this our attention shifts to the collective and how we may have greater value for humanitarian concerns and feel like we want to take action in this arena. Brotherly and sisterly love take center stage. Until March 9, we actually have four planets now in Aquarius—Venus and Mars join Mercury and Saturn—and so our strong focus may be on networks, logistics, and how to come together for the common good.


As the week unfolds, we may find ourselves captivated by the sensitive and subtle. We’ve got messenger Mercury swimming into Pisces on Wednesday, where it will be through March 27. During this time, we may find even more how our words can be carriers of compassion and how turning to art and the imaginal realm can bring solace.


With the Sun connecting to Neptune this weekend, there’s a blurring of boundaries. This may have us feel a greater sensitivity, unable to uphold barriers that usually keep us from feeling so many of the feels. There’s a sense that the stream of love is more accessible and that we can shower ourselves with it and radiate it to others. On the other hand, be careful as blurred boundaries could have us taking responsibility for others, when it is not ours to assume. 


Use the Sun/Neptune and Mercury in Pisces energetics that heighten our ability to envision, dream and subtle perceive to imagine peace, praying that it be so.


Astrological Insights

March 9

  • Mercury enters Pisces


March 13

  • Sun/Neptune Conjunction


All days reflects Eastern Standard Time (-5 hours GMT) and then Eastern Daylight Time (-4 hours GMT) beginning on March 13