Systemic Constellations: A Backgrounder
by Stephanie Gailing and Rotger Heilmeier
For those of you who are new to systemic constellation work, here is some background information about what it is and its process.
Family constellations is a healing approach that is gaining greater popularity across the globe. A method that can weave together systems theory and spiritual mysticism, it is a therapeutic orientation pioneered by the psychotherapist Bert Hellinger, one which continues to evolve thanks to the contributions of practitioners worldwide.
Systemic constellations affirms that individuals are influenced by the systems to which they are connected. It recognizes that out of our deeply-seated need for belonging, we may disavow parts of ourselves as we take on—whether consciously or unconsciously—unresolved burdens of our relatives and/or ancestors.
These entanglements, as they are called, can hold us in a blind loyalty and stifle our freedom to authentically be ourselves, limiting our ability to freely express who we are. Its techniques help us to access more awareness of ancestral lineages and social archetypes at play, and the dynamics inherent within them. In doing so, we seek to catalyze deep healing, release intergenerational traumas, and re-establish a flow of love within ourselves, our families, and our communities.
As humans, we seem to be able to empty ourselves a bit (to become a hollow bone) and connect with the the energy of someone else, or something else. We then “stand for this one“ as we call it in constellations work. We are a representative for this being, this entity, this consciousness.
In general, it is something that everyone can do.
We then experience body sensations, feelings, emotions, imaginations, a wish to move closer to someone or away from someone, and thoughts that belong not to us but to the role. We stay in control at all times if we wish to offer ourselves to this other one, or if we take back our body to ourselves.
You will not have to be a representative and accept a role in our gathering. Feel free to just be present and observe the process. There will be seasoned representatives present.
We still recommend trying to take on a role, it is a most interesting experience, and also one that can have some healing effect on you. And, if you have accepted a role you can at any time give it away again. When you take a role, the advice is: don’t play the role, let the role play you.
In this constellation we will have roles that represent parts that may have influence on the situation of the election, including people, historical events, and more. At the end of the process you step out of the role again. Usually a role dissolves after stepping out of it, or after a short period of time.
It happens once in a while that a role that we take on touches aspects in us that belong to our own history. Then a role may stay with you a little longer. If a role stays with you longer, then we will take care and look after you even after the completion of the circle. This belongs to the responsibility of the facilitator, and it is free of charge. Just reach out to Rotger and you will talk together, and maybe do one or two techniques to completely release the role. This happens once in a while, and it can mean that you have found something in you that should be paid attention to. It is a good thing.