Aries Full Moon


October 15, 2016: Aries Full Moon (exact at 9:23 pm PDT)

What do I want in a relationship? What actions do I feel drawn to take to further have partnerships that serve my best interest? What am I willing to fight for when it comes to deriving the highest value from my social and romantic connections?

These are some of the questions that may arise for us during the time of the Aries Full Moon. With the Moon in passionate, self-initiated Aries and the Sun in social, striving-for-balance Libra, we could likely find ourselves mobilized to wage battles to find a greater sense of peace and harmony in our relationship life.

Additionally, we may find ourselves striving for more peace and harmony in our inner and outer worlds. Our attention may also be turning to such questions as: What would it take to have more grace and pleasure in my life? How do I define beauty and how can I bring it more into my life? What is my individual style and how can I express it more? What are my primary values, those that I would be willing to go into battle for?

The path to these answers may come in unexpected and prickly ways. After all, the Moon not only connects with I-didn't-see-it-coming Uranus but also shake-it-up Eris. It may be a time of breakdowns to breakthroughs: principles and systems that have kept us from expressing the depth of our identity and values may feel a bit shaky.

The theme of the uninvited may be strong as well. We could find ourselves feeling more sensitive to the feeling of being excluded, finding ourselves with less tolerance for not being recognized, acknowledged, and accepted into a group to whom we feel we belong.

And whereas we may have been able to excuse this before, or just put up with it, the feeling of hurt and/or injustice may be seem to be stronger, as well as our impulse to communicate it. After all, we've also got Mercury squaring Pluto right now, inspiring our connection to buried thoughts and the desire to express them.

This can all feel intense…and may also be beneficial in certain circumstances: after all, if we've relegated something that's not really OK to being "fine enough" and that keeps us from declaring what we need, an upswing in wanting to fight for ourselves can instrumental. And it may also surprise us. And while breaking out of a mold may be what's called for, remember that doing things "out of character" (whether in our view or another's) can cause shock waves, and may require us to pick up some pieces that were shaken loose.

All that said, watch that you're not in the pathway of others' shake-up. Their out-of-the-blue about-faces could catch us off guard.  Being fluid and flexible, and not rigidly attached to outcome, seems like a great strategy for this time.

This Full Moon occurs at 24 degrees Libra (Sun) and 24 degrees Aries (Moon). While most people will feel shifts with this lunar event, those with planets or points (Ascendant, Descendent, Nadir, and/or Midheaven) near these degrees in these signs or the other two cardinal signs—Cancer and Capricorn—may feel it more personally.

Aries Full Moon Apothecary Suggestions

Aries is associated with the head, muscles, and circulatory system while Libra is associated with the skin, lower back, kidneys, and blood sugar balance. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body and areas of health around the time of this Full Moon.

Scarlet Monkeyflower flower essence: If you find yourself feeling piqued because of injustices but feel that you don’t have the right to express your anger, consider Scarlet Monkeyflower. It can help you connect to and rightfully own the full range of your feelings, and therefore express them in a more conscious, holistic, and self-empowered way. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)

Tiger Lily flower essence: If you’re looking for support to transition from a solely go-it-alone strategy to one where you can clearly identify—and as importantly, allow—productive partnerships, consider Tiger Lily flower essence. It can encourage a shift from self-identified isolation to a receptivity towards participating in cooperative service with others. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)