Bathing in a Sea of Emotion and Creativity: The Neptune Station

photo: Heidi Lender

photo: Heidi Lender


Feeling like you are bathing in a sea of emotions? Do you feel foggy, inundated with a sense of unclarity? Do you sense that the world around you is infused with illusion, confusion and disillusionment?

If so, you're not alone (even if you feel you may be at points). This sense may be heightened these days given the planet Neptune--which is associated with boundary-blurring and permeability--has been connecting to the Lunar Nodes and is also stationing, shifting direct today.

And while you're not alone, consider how taking some time alone, floating by yourself, can be nourishing over the coming days. Perhaps it's a way to connect you to your center, allow the streaming of soulful longings stream through you. Take time to infuse yourself in Neptunian activities--swim, bathe, read/write poetry, see/make art, read spiritual texts, smile at strangers, pray, meditate, radiate compassion, do creative visualization...anything that touches and moves your spirit.

photo: Heidi Lender

photo: Heidi Lender


Yet, if spending alone time isn't nourishing, then come together with friends, family, and community who are also swimming in sensitivity right now and hold space for one another. Join together in activities that move, touch and/or inspire you. Use your direct hotline to the reservoir of compassion and focus on creative manifests that move, touch and/or inspire others. See art, make art, be art-- remember it for its ability to channel and stream love, acceptance, and empathy.

As Neptune infuses a sense of floating and waviness, some people experience strong Neptune times as ungrounding. Watch for this, and do what you can to stay centered so that you don't lose your center and/or have accidents because of your head being in the clouds.

During these days, reflect upon what you love and who you love.  For me, one of the people I love most dearly is my friend Heidi. Among the multitude of beauty she shines in her life are the amazing photographs she takes, among them these two I've featured here that she took at the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. Connect to more beauty and art today, by checking out her photographs on Instagram or Tumblr.