Mars + Saturn = Responsibility for Actions Taken


For some, the Mars/Saturn conjunction--with both squaring Neptune--is reflecting a time when they are finding their focus to be centered upon having to take responsibility for an action taken in the past. 

The consequences of the action may not have even seemed to have been so significant at the moment the event occurred and we may even find ourselves surprised that there is so much fuss occurring because of it. 

Yet, fuss there is. 

And a call for accountability.

And a realization that the path forward exists with acknowledgement that our actions are powerful, make impressions, and leave imprints. 

And with this, it's another way to learn the Mars/Saturn lesson of using our will wisely, knowing that our efforts create outcomes, and that even things that take place in a moment may take a while to be undone/rectified.

And with this, we may see how we may want to in the future choose to use our intention and pursuits in a different way, one that can strategically help us to achieve the goals that inherently resonate with our higher vision. What may be getting burnished in us now is just how important the coupling of will and intention are, and how keeping our eye on the horizon of where we want to go and using that as a compass to direct our action offers great reward.

All that said, if it's a challenging time, know that you're not alone. 

Whatever you're going through, know that a little bit more patience may be required right now, and so may a little bit more focused work and effort. 

And don't forget the faith...marshall the faith that things will work out ok, and that while we may not be able to yet see the outcome, it's important to connect to the feeling that all will be as it will be, and we'll be fine.

{Mars and Saturn conjoin on Wednesday & Mars squares Neptune on Thursday)