Libra New Moon: Let Relationships Surprise You


October 19, 2017: Libra New Moon


New Moons are times of beginnings, opportunities to connect with all that is potential and plant seeds for the birth of that which we want to create. As this New Moon is in Libra, it’s a good time to survey our relationships and see how we may encourage them to flourish so that they can grace our lives even more. Using the image of the Scales—the symbol for Libra—as your guide, weigh and assess the value of your existing relationships, considering their strengths and weaknesses.

Some good questions to ask during the New Moon include: Can existing relationships—with a little shifting—better serve me? Are some of my unmet needs actually those that I can provide for myself? Where do I fall on the compromise spectrum—Do I do it too much, too little, or just enough?

If objectively seeing the ins and outs of your relationships seems especially challenging, consider finding a neutral “mediator.” This person is someone that you can talk to alone or together with your partner, someone who can help you more clearly negotiate a deeper understanding of a balanced and healthy relationship.

As much as we may be inclined towards finding order and harmony during the Libra New Moon, given that this year it is opposite shake-it-up Uranus, the path to peace—and what peace itself looks like—may appear quite different than we usually anticipate. Be open to being shaken out of patterns and well-tread perspectives, for the aim of breaking through calcified and rote assumptions that may not actually have been honoring the core of our individual needs.

This is not to say that a day filled with surprises is easy or without its challenges. Yet, knowing that being thrown for a loop may perhaps be purposeful somehow in terms of its yielding a greater sense of freedom can help to assuage some stress as well as give us that additional level of energy to rearrange the fruit should we find that our proverbial apple cart was upset (whether by ourselves, another, or a situation). Through this approach, we may see that our tried-and-true ways had served us in the past but they aren’t really so tried-and-true anymore.

Instead of waiting for a possible shoe to drop, what if we used this time to be proactive in making change, looking at situations a different way, and approaching the Libran realms of relationships, art, beauty and diplomacy from an alternative angle? Some ideas include expressing beauty and/or style in a way that is not your go-to; taking yourself to a museum or art opening (if that’s not your usual thing); seeing a foreign film, or arranging a social get-together with a group of friends who usually don’t hang out together but who you think would make an interesting (and fun) tapestry of people.

One more note about this New Moon time. The day before we have the almost-yearly Mercury/Jupiter Conjunction. Ideas may seem big and broad, and our minds may be focused upon larger horizons and seemingly faraway shores. We could find ourselves wanting to venture out upon distant landscapes, whether in our thoughts, conversations, or actually upon the globe through travel. Tapping into this can help you find a greater sense of expansiveness and perspective that may be valuable in helping you see just what it is that you want to give birth to right now.

This month’s New Moon falls at 27 degrees of Libra (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Libra or the other cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, and Capricorn—it may impact you more intensely.

Libra New Moon Apothecary Suggestions

Libra is associated with the skin, lower back, and blood sugar balance. Pay attention to these parts of the body and areas of health around the time of this New Moon.

Scleranthus flower essence: During this very diplomatic of times, there’s often a stronger sense that we need to make the “right decision.” And yet that pursuit oftentimes leads to indecision with excess weighing and measuring of options oftentimes leading to wavering and a sense of stasis. If you need assistance fostering a sense of inner resolve that can have you confidently and consciously make choices that feel right to you, consider Scleranthus flower essence. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)

Adorn your dining: Libra inspires a reverence for all things graceful, a desire for aesthetic fulfillment, with beauty nurturing a sense of peace within. Taking this into consideration as you create your mealtime can transform it into an occasion that is more soulfully nourishing. Make each meal a special event by easily dressing it up by using candles, placemats, and cloth napkins. If you have fine china and/or silverware you reserve for that every-now-and-then holiday, use it more frequently during this time. Adorning your dining can be a way of adorning your lifestyle, and in turn adorning your sense of well-being.

The New Moon is exact at 12:12 pm PDT