Floating in Between Eclipses: Perspectives + Apothecary Suggestions


Feeling foggy? Have a sense that things are changing yet can't put your finger on just what's occurring and where it's all going? Feeling less resistance to letting things go, making space for something to emerge, even if you're not quite sure just what that something is?

If so, you're swimming with the current waves.

We're right between eclipses: the Leo Lunar Eclipse radiated on February 10 and the Pisces Solar Eclipse floats in on February 26.

True to their name, Eclipses may eclipse things, obscure them from view. We may not be able to "see" in our go-to manner. Rather we need to rely upon our feelings, intuition, and the our inner compass that orients us from deep within, that place we trust because we really must, as it allows us to connect to that which we know to be the good, true, and beautiful for us.

This way of aligning ourselves—of trusting that within is where riches of awareness reside, that quiet may be the fount of volumes of joy and wisdom, and that the irrationality of our intuition may be more rational than what our logical mind may lobby for—feels even more palpable this week. Not only are we in the liminal space between Eclipses, we are now in Pisces season, that time of year when the Sun is in the sign that reminds of the poetic and numinous. Plus, as Sunday's Solar Eclipse is a New Moon, as we come closer to the weekend, we will be sailing through the monthly dark balsamic moon period, where turning to our inner light can help to guide the way.

Meditation, prayer, and visualization can be wonderful activities to help center ourselves and flourish during this time. Our psyches may be more open to visions coming through our dreams; before going to sleep, focus upon what types of insights you'd like your nightly visions to reveal. Keep a notebook by your bed to capture your dreams.

Essential oils that can feel supportive in this soul-centering time include frankincense, palo santo, and sandalwood. Flower essences that may be especially helpful during this time include Star Tulip (for inspired inner listening), Clematis (for focused, grounded presence while being open to the imaginative mind), Queen Anne's Lace (to bolster clarity and trust of third-eye perceptions) and Aspen (to quell floating anxieties).

Remember that feeling a bit floaty or untethered or not clearly knowing a path's outcome/destination doesn't necessarily preclude feeling grounded. Consider how you can find a steady state while opening yourself up to the waves of feelings and knowingness that emerges when your heart and mind are nourished by quiet landscapes of beauty that reside within you, how you can find comfort and growth in the watery pools of connectivity.

[image via Pexels]