Taurus New Moon: Finding Your Groove


April 26, 2017: Taurus New Moon

When the New Moon occurs in Taurus we have a great opportunity to look within and see what it is that brings us comfort and a greater sense of security. Taking the time to examine what activities and earthly delights yield pleasure can help you discover a sense of rootedness that can serve you well in the coming year.

As part of this exercise, think about your habits: Do they actually serve your personal needs for health and happiness or is the pleasure they provide mostly linked to their familiarity? Do they assist you in productively structuring your life or are they on some level limiting, as they don’t let you move readily outside of a narrowly defined comfort zone? Reflecting upon your routines and rituals can be a great fount of awareness during the yearly Taurus New Moon.

As Taurus is a very sensual sign, it’s a good time to listen to music, surround yourself with fragrant flowers, work for hours in the garden, or engage in other experiences that give you pleasure. Your kinesthetic senses may be especially heightened during this time and can serve as an additional tool to tune into how you feel about certain situations and people. For example, if you’re wondering whether you should pursue a certain project, let the idea of it sit within you and tune into how your body feels. Do you feel relaxed and comforted or jumpy and agitated? Your body may be able to help you filter truths that your mind is unable to clearly perceive.

Taurus derives comfort from knowing what's next. It's likes to be in a rhythm, feeling secure in having a groove. As such, sudden change isn't necessarily what yields security during strong Taurus times.

Yet, this week, with the Mercury/Uranus conjunction occurring on Friday, we could find ourselves connecting to unexpected information, surprising conversations, or realizations that occur out of the blue--all of which may call for an opening to a new pattern. This may feel extra jarring if we're trying to cling to a keep-on, keeping-on habitual rhythm.

One way to reframe this is to see how novel thoughts and unanticipated discoveries may teach us something not-yet-known that allows us to connect to new pleasures, refine what it means to be practical, and redefine our routines so that they are even more constructive. And remember, just expecting the possibility of the unexpected diminishes its shock value, and its ability to shake us off course. Be bouncy, and ready to pivot--have this be part of the rhythm you adopt this week.

This Taurus New Moon falls at 7 degrees of Taurus (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Taurus or the other fixed signs—Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius—it may impact you more intensely.


Taurus rules the neck, throat, inner ears, and thyroid gland. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this New Moon.

Chestnut bud flower essence: Sometimes habits can be supportive and necessary to create productive structure in our lives. Other times they can hold us back or keep us in an unsupportive loop of behavior. In the latter case, we may derive great comfort from doing the same thing again and again, even if we know that it’s not necessarily something that is in our highest interest. If you find yourself stuck in a “been there, done that, but I’ll do that again” rut and would like assistance releasing it, consider Chestnut Bud flower essence. It’s a great natural remedy to use when we need a little assistance breaking out of well-tread but unsupportive routines. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)

Honey and lemon tea: Enjoy a soothing cup of honey and lemon tea. Its warmth is nurturing while the honey and lemon serve as wonderful balms for the throat. If possible, use raw honey (unless you’re pregnant or immunocompromised), which has more antioxidants, and juice from a fresh lemon rather than a bottle. For more throat support, add a tea bag of slippery elm or marshmallow root, two herbs known for their palliative qualities.

* The New Moon arrives at 5:16 am PDT