Gemini New Moon: Curiosity is Calling


May 25, 2017: Gemini New Moon

Curiosity and wonder fill the air during the Gemini Moon. It’s a time when learning and collecting information feels nurturing. And yet, in that pursuit it can seem as if our attention is pulled in a spectrum of directions, since there’s a heightened sense of “interesting” to the wide array of facts and figures we come across.

Like other New Moons, it’s a good day to set a goal for the coming four weeks, and given the presence of Gemini energy, it’s an auspicious time to begin gathering the information we’ll need to set this mission in motion. The mercurial and seemingly fickle energy of Gemini is often on display during this New Moon period, amping up agitation and nervous energy. Be patient with yourself if you find it more difficult to make decisions while also making space for others if they seem to be more capricious than normal.

If you’re finding yourself indecisive, consider whether it’s because you are more clearly seeing the two sides of the proverbial coin and the fact that both of them have grace and value. Reflect upon whether it really is even necessary to choose between them; potentially you can create a structure where you are able to enjoy both paths.

Additionally, during the time of this New Moon we may also connect to a deep bass note, a sense of undercover storminess. Today values-driven Venus squares mine-the-depths Pluto and with this we could find ourselves diving below the surface to really look at what has worth to us. We could find that thoughts and feelings we have been keeping out of our view, for want of not desiring to deal with emotional confrontations—with ourselves or others—may clamor for attention. Holding our relationships—to people, places, and things—up to the light so that we can better survey unconscious patterns that are keeping us from embodying a sense of inner freedom and power may be challenging yet exceptionally valuable.

Also, we're moving towards the opposition between Mars and Saturn. Take stock of your energy and use it in a conscious and clearly directed manner. Frittering away fuel may seem to yield more consequences than usual. Have a clear aim and take time to develop an effective strategy, and then be patient as you witness the unfolding manifestation of what you desired.

Note that the honoring of Mars/Saturn--taking a slow and deliberate approach--may seem on the surface to go against the grain of the mutable, fluttering butterfly-esque energy that is inspired during Gemini New Moon times. Try to weave together both perspectives--as well as the Venus/Pluto inspirations--to move through this time with more ease: Be curious, gather information, value sussing out the secrets, and be deliberate with how you go ahead moving towards your goals.

This month’s New Moon falls at 5 degrees of Gemini (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Gemini or the other mutable signs—Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces—it may impact you more intensely.


Gemini rules the shoulders, arms, hands, lungs, and nervous system. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this New Moon.

Nadi Sodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing): With Gemini ruling the lungs and the nervous system, doing some pranayama breathing exercises like Nadi Sodhana can be beneficial if you need to calm a flurry of nervous energy. Sit in a comfortable position either on the floor or on a chair. Rest your left hand on your lap. Raise your right hand towards your nose, closing your right nostril by gently pushing your thumb against it. Inhale through your left nostril for four counts. Then release your thumb while closing your left nostril with your ring finger. Exhale through your right nostril for four counts and then inhale for four counts. Release hold on left nostril while closing right nostril with your thumb. Exhale through left nostril for four counts. Continue for twelve rounds or more.

Cerato flower essence: During the Gemini New Moon there is an emphasis on the dissemination of information and it becomes tempting to seek advice and input from lots of people who are more than willing to share their thoughts and ideas. While this can be helpful, if you are unclear as to where you stand on an issue, it can cause any decision you need to make even more confusing. If you are looking for a natural remedy that can help inspire your confidence that intuitive knowingness truly resides within you, consider Cerato flower essence. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)

The New Moon is exact at 12:44 pm PDT