Capricorn New Moon: What Inspires Your Loyalty?


January 16, 2018: Capricorn New Moon

New Moons are auspicious monthly celestial events that usher in fresh cycles of creation and becoming. And when the New Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, what may become initiated is our understanding of how we manage our lives and how we relate with our personal sense of productivity.

Additionally, we may find ourselves surveying and looking to better understand our personal capital—whether that be our time, energy, skills/talents, and/or money. As we look to see whether we are allocating these efficiently—and whether they are generating additional assets or incurring liabilities for us–-we can gain insights into how we can create a stronger foundation upon which we can build our future and a richer life for ourselves and those who are important to us.

Loyalty and commitment may also be highlighted themes during this New Moon. What we may find ourselves looking at isn’t so much just the concept of being dutiful but rather whether the people and institutions to which we have granted our allegiance are those that are worthy of it. Readjustments in relationships—involving how much we give and how much we allow ourselves to expect in return—may occur.

The Jupiter/Pluto Sextile is an alignment that colors the first three seasons of 2018, with its exact connections occurring January 15, April 14, and September 12. Given that its kick-off occurs a day before the New Moon, it certainly may cast a hue upon this current time.

Remember that Jupiter yields growth and Pluto has us dig deep. Reflecting this, we may be reminded that we can experience a greater sense of reward by really taking a look at the underbelly of things. We may also find that we have an ability to dig deeper into our inner resourcefulness and feel a strident sense of commitment to those things that really and truly matter to us. Jupiter and Pluto danced together throughout 2017 yet they did so in a more tense alignment, the Jupiter/Pluto Square. This year’s connection is a sextile, which is felt to be easier and more harmonious. As such, some of the current individual and collective lessons we may tap into may be related to how expanding our level of honesty can really help us to reconfigure our lives in a deeper and more integral way.

This New Moon falls at 27 degrees of Capricorn (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Capricorn or the other cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, Libra—it may impact you more intensely.


Capricorn is associated with the skin, skeletal system, and joints. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this New Moon.

Oak Flower Essence: Self-reliance, ambitiousness, and pushing ourselves to our limits are some of the qualities that connect us with the achievement orientation that this New Moon may inspire. Yet, these are the qualities that can also have us feeling exhausted as we aim towards checking off the items on the extensive to-do lists we likely have during this time. If you need help remembering that Rome wasn't built in a day—let alone by one person—consider Oak flower essence. It can help you to embody the belief that accepting help from others can be a sign of strength, rather than a weakness of character, and that you don't really need to do everything in warp speed time, nor by yourself.

Skincare: This Capricorn New Moon provides a great opportunity to pay special attention to your skin. Get a dry brush or scrub mitt so that you can commit to (or re/commit to) a regular exfoliating routine. If you don’t have a regular moisturizing ritual, build one into your morning (and perhaps even evening) regimen. Consider a simple body moisturizer like coconut or almond oil; they are chemical-free, don’t contain additives or preservatives, and less expensive than many other options (something that’s always appreciated during Capricorn season). Another idea is to treat your face to a nourishing and hydrating facial mask; you can either find them in apothecaries or beauty stores, or consider making your own from ingredients such as avocados, honey, aloe vera, yogurt, and other nurturing food-based ingredients.

* The New Moon is exact at 9:17 pm EST