Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse: New Structures Emerging

Photo by Aaron Burden via Unsplash

Photo by Aaron Burden via Unsplash

January 5, 2019: Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse

The Capricorn New Moon on January 5 is also a Solar Eclipse. Even if we can’t see an Eclipse in the sky where we live, these celestial events are renowned for being very powerful in the way in which they can impact our lives. Oftentimes, life-changing events or reflections occur around the time of an Eclipse.

A Solar Eclipse signifies a time for beginnings. And yet, often we also experience endings and completions as well; after all, for a well-etched beginning to take root, that which has reached its expiration date needs to make way for the new to firmly plant.

During this lunation, we may be focused upon our personal economy of resources; this is not just limited to our money but also includes our time, energy, and skills/talents, all of which comprise the capital that we can use to create a richer life. Whether we are allocating these efficiently–and whether they are generating additional assets or incurring liabilities for us–can be very prudent topics to survey during this New Moon. The answers can help us to create a stronger foundation upon which we can build our future.

The notion of success may come into focus during this time. Consider what success means to you, where in your life you feel you have achieved what you have set out to, and what keeps you back from success as you define it. With Capricorn aligned with achievement, it may also be a time when we’re thinking about our legacy, and what we may want to leave behind and be remembered for.

Loyalty and commitment may also be important themes during this New Moon. What we may find ourselves looking at isn’t just limited to the concept of being dutiful but rather whether the people and institutions to which we have granted our allegiance are those that are worthy of it. Readjustments in relationships—involving how much we give and how much we allow ourselves to expect in return—may occur.

Given that Uranus stations direct the day after the Solar Eclipse, the archetypes of this do-it-a-different-way planet are quite strong right now. The planet of innovation, Uranus sparks our need to further find our unique sense of individuality. It inspires within us the urge to do things differently, to undertake a personal [r]evolution in order to experience evolution.

When Uranian energy is “loud”, as it is today, expect the unexpected is a good mantra to follow. By using that as a framework, and knowing that some unanticipated events may occur—but that we just can’t yet anticipate what they will be—we can we reduce some of the potential anxiety that may come from surprises we didn’t even conceptualize would occur. Additionally, by keeping our attention open to the out-of-the-blue novelties that manifest, we may be more apt to perceive the value and lessons that they can offer us.

This month’s New Moon Solar Eclipse falls at 16 degrees of Capricorn (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Capricorn or the other cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, Libra—it may impact you more intensely.

Capricorn Solar Eclipse Apothecary Suggestions

Capricorn is associated with the skin, skeletal system, and joints. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this Solar Eclipse.

Rescue Remedy or Five-Flower Formula: This classic flower essence blend is a go-to for times of acute stress. It can help inspire calm when a situation has you on edge, when you need to relax, focus, and stay centered. While great to have as part of a natural first-aid arsenal, it may be particularly helpful to have stashed in your bag or desk drawer around the time of this start-things-anew-in-an-expect-the-unexpected-way New Moon Solar Eclipse. Rescue Remedy and Five-Flower Formula feature a blend of the same five flower essences but are products made by different companies. [Flower essences are vibrational elixirs that you can find in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.]

Skincare: This Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse provides a great opportunity to pay special attention to the skin. Get a dry brush or scrub mitt so that you can commit to (or re/commit to) a regular exfoliating routine. If you don’t have a regular moisturizing ritual, build one into your morning (and perhaps even evening) regimen. Consider a simple body moisturizer like coconut or almond oil; they are chemical-free, don’t contain additives or preservatives, and less expensive than many other options (something that’s always appreciated during Capricorn season). Another idea is to treat your face to a nourishing and hydrating facial mask; you can either find them in apothecaries or beauty stores, or consider making your own from ingredients such as avocados, honey, aloe vera, yogurt, and other nurturing food-based ingredients.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs at 8:28 pm EST