Eclipse Astrology Sessions


It's Eclipse Season: there was a Leo Lunar Eclipse on January 31 and an Aquarius Solar Eclipse upcoming on February 15. 

Even if we can't see an eclipse in the sky, these celestial events are potent harbingers of change and illumination in our lives. And with the February Eclipse at a spot almost exactly opposite that of the August 21 Eclipse, it seems that we have a stellar opportunity to revisit and synthesize themes and unfoldings that were initiated then.

If you're wondering what these eclipses may be inspiring for you personally, then you'll be interested in my Eclipse-focused astrology sessions. During this 1/2-hour consultation, we'll look at how these celestial events connect to your chart, dialogue about what new arenas are being ushered in, while also discussing perspectives and strategies so that you feel empowered to consciously approach and engage in what is unfolding. 

Eclipse Sessions are $75. They can be done by phone, Skype, or FaceTime video. They are available for current and new clients, and are recorded for you so you can listen to them again and again. 

I look forward to providing you with stellar insights that can help you make the most of what these Eclipses may be inspiring for you.

Schedule your session here.