Aries New Moon: Begin Again, In a New Way


April 15, 2018: Aries New Moon

Since Aries and the New Moon both symbolize the ushering in of beginnings, this lunar event may have us feeling pulled towards initiating new things. For example, if you’re looking to kick off a diet or amp up your exercise regimen, the exuberance of palpable energy that the Aries New Moon affords may be a great motivator. Also, if you’ve wanted to tackle a problem but found yourself lacking in the moxie department, the Aries New Moon may give you an infusion of courage and daring that can help you persevere.

A caveat, though. With so much initiating energy around, it may seem as if everyone wants things to happen now, or even before. Since Aries prizes immediacy, impatience and/or bursts of anger—within your self or expressed by others—may be heightened around this time. While the go-get-‘em energy instilled by this New Moon can help motivate us into a challenge, rushing can often lead to rashness, a surefire prescription for stress and accidents.

Aries energy may unleash the warrior in us, the one who will fight for our cause.  Used consciously this inspires great fierceness so that we can courageously marshal our will to champion what is inherently important to us. Yet, if we are triggered by unconscious motivations that we don’t clearly identify, we may find ourselves reacting and being defensive in ways that are impetuous, derived more from “fight or flight” fear than dedicated clear aims, and which we may later regret.

This New Moon unites with breaking-patterns Uranus. Expect the unexpected and staying bouncy may be two good mantras for this time. A desire for freedom and doing things your own way may inform your spirit and motivate you in how you want to express yourself in the world. See how you may want to innovate and how you may be able to find the best solutions by looking at situations from numerous different angles. 

The urge to communicate may be quite strong today as may the rush of information that fills your mind, newsfeed and inbox. After all, today Mercury stations to turn direct, ending its recent retrograde cycle (which began on March 22). It may seem like a day of excitement but also possibly of excess nervous energy; so, do what you need to do to quell any stress or anxiousness that may arise.

Between the fiery energy of the Aries New Moon and the completion of Mercury Retrograde in Aries, our minds may be racing with new ideas and we may find that words fly out of our mouth before we we’ve had time to think through just what it is that we want to say. This may give us the courage for communication yet it could also catalyze regret if we said things in the heat of a moment that we wish we could take back—so be careful. In the coming days as Mercury gains more speed you may find that the ideas that you’ve been reviewing over the past several weeks are etched with enough clarity that has them ready to blossom and move out into the world.

While this New Moon and Mercury returning to direct motion set the stage for a release of latent creative energy which wants to burst forward, it seems important to be thoughtful in guiding this process. After all, with Saturn stationing retrograde on Tuesday, April 17, we may find ourselves encountering reminders of the intrinsic value of laying a strong foundation, and how actions that don't stem from a thoughtful (and well thought-out) blueprint may fritter away our energy and perhaps our credibility. Matching our creative impulses with our commitment to the sustainable architecture of what we want to produce may be a winning combination; while it may take a lot of will and intention to balance the fire of the inspiration that instinctively knows nothing but the "now" with our appreciation of the value of that which persists and endures, weaving together a marriage of the two seems like it may be the pathway to a bounty of jewels and riches.

This month’s New Moon falls at 27 degrees of Aries (the location of both the Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Aries or the other cardinal signs—Cancer, Libra, Capricorn—it may impact you more intensely.

Aries New Moon Apothecary Suggestions

Aries rules the head, muscles, and circulatory system. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this New Moon.

Impatiens flower essence: As its name implies, Impatiens flower essence help quell impatience, one of the premier characteristics associated with Aries. So, if you find yourself being overly impetuous or running a short fuse, consider this remedy. Take a few drops several times a day until you feel the impatience lifting. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)

Scalp massage: Start your New Moon morning with a scalp massage. It’s simple to do and only takes a few minutes. Just take a nourishing oil (such as coconut or avocado) and rub it into your scalp before you shampoo your hair. Start at your hairline and work backwards toward the nape of your neck, rubbing your scalp with moderate pressure in small circular motions. For additional scalp-health benefits, add some rosemary essential oil to the massage blend. Regular scalp massages—which you can even do without the oil—can help stimulate circulation, alleviate tension, and reduce flaky scalp conditions.

The New Moon is exact at 9:57 pm EDT

Photo by Carlos Quintero via Unsplash