Uranus in Taurus AstroTrends: An Introduction

Photo by Austin Chan via Unsplash

Photo by Austin Chan via Unsplash


I believe we are on the brink of some really interesting societal shifts that will capture our collective attention. I say this with my sight honed on Uranus shifting into the sign of Taurus next week, on May 15.

The shake-it-up planet Uranus resides in a sign for about seven years, during which the realms related to that sign seem to undergo a disruption and reinvention. As such, I’m fascinated by what trends Uranus in Taurus may usher in, something I’m going to explore and share with you over the coming months (more on that in a bit).

At this point you may be wondering But what does astrology and trends have to do with each other?

Let me share how I perceive and approach this realm:

I love astrology for the personal self-awareness that it can provide us, insights that help each of us navigate our lives with more consciousness, compassion, and empowerment. And yet what has also always fascinated me about astrology is how it allows us to perceive the themes and inspirations that capture our collective attention at any time, ideas and ideals that reflect themselves in culture, and in the arenas of the social, economic, and political. I’ve always loved being able to see how prevailing trends echo the astrology of a given time period.

The connection between astrology and trends, as I’ve come to understand it, seems to be as follows. Astrology as a language that translates the fluctuating and cyclical dance of the archetypes allow us to perceive the kairos, the Greek term that signifies that quality inherent in time, the opportunity that different moments hold. As such, we can look to the location of the planets through an as-above-so-below lens to read the kairos and understand the qualitative hues that a certain time period contains, and therefore the trends that may come alive through popular culture. AstroTrends is a term that I use to describe this.

Back to Uranus in Taurus

Beginning May 15, the day that Uranus shifts into Taurus, I’m going to begin sharing insights into possible trend arenas that may emerge and take hold during the next seven years (Uranus will leave Taurus for Gemini in 2026). I’ll likely post about a new theme each week, although I’m currently giving myself some flexibility right now to see what timing structure works best. You can find them here on my blog (and in your inbox if you subscribe to it), on Instagram, or my Facebook page.

And Let's Look at Uranus in Aries

Before we get there, I wanted to just reflect upon three of the trends that we’ve seen with Uranus in Aries, notably as innovative Uranus is still in this pioneering sign for another week (and will also make a swan song appearance November 6, 2018 through March 6, 2019). You can find some Uranus in Aries AstroTrends reflections here.

The Why Behind This Project

Why explore these possible Uranus trends? Personally, I think it's interesting and fun. I think envisioning what may be inspired is a great exercise to help us key into a deeper level of awareness. Also, as a lover of symbols (and someone who is driven to understand and find bigger picture meaning in this world), it inspires me to no end when I observe how astrology is reflected collectively. That said, I’m not doing this because I want to appear to have a crystal ball, nor to make predictions that can be proved correct. What I’m perceiving may not come to pass, or it may. To that I’m not attached, rather just excited to dive into this creative inquiry and dance with the kairos, tapping into the possibilities of how it will be translated through our lives.

I hope that you enjoy this series. As always, I’d love to hear your questions and feedback if any arise for you.