The Nature of Change: Uranus in Taurus

The nature of nature is change - James Hollis*

I feel like this is something so important for us to remember and to embody. It feels like a truth that can truly help us to navigate our lives, and one that really speaks to these times - this mini-era that we’ve entered with shake-it-up Uranus in the earth-oriented sign of Taurus.

Change is very hard for many people. There’s a big part of us—the size of which depends upon who we are—that feels secure with constancy, stable with reliability, rooted with a consistent rhythm. That part of us gets rattled by change, or may even be afraid of it, doing what we can to try to keep a sense of solidity and sometimes even turning a blind eye to the potential that change is even a possibility. As natural as that may be, it feels like it’s something that also contributes to our suffering.

Yet, if we remember that we are part of nature, and the nature of nature is change (as Hollis reminds us), then we may be able to gain a greater level of comfort with change, have more faith that we can fortify our capability to be adaptable and flexible and feel strengthened by that, and even look to shifts and transitions as fodder for living a deep, enriching, and creative life. Being in the flow of nature and mirroring its essential design itself is natural and may have us feel more naturally ourselves in this world. This feels like a lesson that we may learn on a greater collective level with Uranus in Taurus, a change that has great value and benefit.

* I heard Hollis, an esteemed Jungian psychotherapist, say this in an episode of Speaking of Jung podcast, during a discussion he had with host Laura London. The podcast series is great; I highly recommend checking it out if you're interested in Jungian psychology.