Libra Full Moon: Another Look at Beauty and Justice
April 19, 2019: Libra Full Moon
This is the second Full Moon in this year’s Aries Season. The first occurred on March 20, the first day the Sun charged into Aries. This one occurs on the last day of Aries, with the Sun set to leave this fiery sign and plod into earthy Taurus tomorrow.
And with this, what was brought to view at the end of March related to relationships, the ways in which we accommodate others, and how we fight for justice may be brought to our attention again. We may see the evolution of the journey that we have undertaken the last four weeks in these realms.
Remember that the Libra Full Moon calls upon us to integrate our desires with those of the people with whom we are in relationship. It can help us gain insight into whether our approach to accommodating our needs and those of others is a balanced one or whether the scale is tipped to one side. (For example, do we over accommodate others to the detriment of own needs, or vice versa?) Additionally, it’s an opportunity to inventory whether we are being our true selves when relating to others rather than being the person we think they want us to be.
Different people draw out distinct parts of who we are. With some people, we may find ourselves more connected to our humorous side, others our serious nature, and with others our adventurous disposition, et al. Use the Full Moon energies to get a sense of which aspects of yourself are brought to light when interacting with different friends, family members, and colleagues, as well as your romantic partner(s).
What’s striking to me about this and the other Full Moon is that they both prominently feature the lessons of Chiron, the celestial body that reflects the archetype of the Wounded Healer. In the March 20 lunation, Chiron was conjoining the Sun (and opposite the Moon). Today, Chiron unites with messenger Mercury. And with that, we may gain access to a greater level of understanding as to the sorrows that live at the core of our being, as well as find opportunities to express this to others. Finding the courage to look at the ways in which we hold ourselves back from communicating what’s true and essential to us may lead to pioneering breakthroughs that allow us to liberate stuck energy and life force. It’s a time to speak for the wounded and disadvantaged, realizing that we all have a shared humanity. With this Chiron connection occurring again with a Libra Full Moon, we may be able to further find words that help us express why something we feel that something is unfair rather than fair, just rather than unjust.
This Full Moon falls at 30 degrees of Aries (Sun) and Libra (Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a Full Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Aries, Libra, or the other cardinal signs—Cancer and Capricorn—it may impact you more intensely.
Libra Full Moon Apothecary Suggestions
Aries is associated with the head, muscles, and circulatory system while Libra is associated with the skin, lower back, kidneys, and blood sugar balance. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body and areas of health around the time of this Full Moon.
Cerato flower essence: During this time, we could find ourselves called to get an opinion from this person and that one. While there is benefit in seeking out alternative perspectives, sometimes it can lead to greater confusion. Also, sometimes we may seek advice from others because we don’t necessarily trust ourselves, feeling unable to connect to our authentic sense of inner knowing. If you are looking for a natural remedy that can help inspire your confidence that intuitive knowingness truly resides within you, consider Cerato flower essence. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)
Exercise with a friend: Looking for an additional spark of motivation to help your spring get-in-shape resolution get underway? Instead of going solo to that yoga class or taking a walk alone in the park, invite a friend. Not only will the exercise pump your blood, work your muscles, and regulate your blood sugar, and relax you, but you’ll get to enjoy it while having a social experience, which is always nice to do when Libran energy is around.
* The Full Moon is exact at 7:12 am EDT