Stellar Insights: May 18 - 24, 2020
Photo by Amador Loureiro via Unsplash
I love wordplay and wordsmithing, as I find that it’s not only intriguing but that it can also yield great inquiries that reveal insights. While I often think that my lexicon-loving orientation arises from having a Gemini Ascendant, I can’t help but think that with Venus in Gemini for an extended period of time (owing to its current retrograde cycle), as well as that we’re about to enter Gemini season (and this week featuring a Gemini New Moon), that collectively we may find ourselves focusing upon the richness that exploring words may yield.
For example, when reflecting upon this week, one that features both values-reflecting Venus and messenger Mercury making a square to unitive Neptune, the word pairs of dissolve/solve and dissolution/solution came to mind.
Dissolution makes sense as when we think of Neptune as we are reminded of its relationship to unity and unitive consciousness. In creating a solution there is dissolution whereas the solute (the matter) dissolves into the aqueous solvent (the liquid) and they become indistinguishable. Neptune encourages a blurring of boundaries, the reminder that everything is connected, and the softening of edges that are usually separate.
During times, like this week, when Neptune is strong, channeled through its interaction with other planets, we may find ourselves in an experience of dissolution. We could feel blurry or foggy, and find ourselves challenged through trying to distinguish what’s real and what’s a dream. What appears to be concrete may at times feel to be evanescent. And if we believed our ideals to real to only find out that they were not, we may find ourselves experiencing disillusionment. Further playing on these words to reflect a Neptunian theme, we may also perceive that some people have a hazy grasp of outward appearances and wonder if they aren’t but a bit delusional.
Yet, there’s another side to this (which itself feels so Gemini, as that sign reminds us that every coin has two faces): if we consciously approach things from a dissolving orientation, we may find ways to solve challenges. For example, during this week of the Venus/Neptune Square and Mercury/Neptune Square, we can dissolve some personal edges and adopt a greater stance of compassion. We can release and soften the grips of our rational mind and invite in our intuition to be its partner. We can let ourselves get lost in poetry or art or dance or film, itself an enjoyable solution to releasing tension we may be feeing as well as an experience during which we may find that insights stream through that help us solve a challenge.
Remember too that this week’s Venus/Neptune Square is the second of three in this current series, with the previous one on May 3 and the final one on July 27. As such, look to see whether you are getting new perspectives on things that may have occurred earlier this month when it comes to your values, relationships, finances, and/or definition of pleasure and beauty. Savor the seeds of awareness that may be flourishing and which may further blossom the end of July.
Remember too that with Neptune so prominent in our collective psyche this week that we can turn to our dreams for wisdom, including to discover a deeper sense of what’s valuable to us in our lives. If you’re interested in working with your dreams, don’t forget that on Wednesdays on Instagram and Facebook, I offer the What Did You Dream Last Night? journal, where you can share your dreams for reflection. I’m also starting a dream reflection column at Healers. And if you want to explore a dream through the lens of astrology, we can do so as part of a Stellar Guidance session. Finally, my new book The Complete Book of Dreams that will be available in September is now available to pre-order; note that in the next weeks, I’m going to be offering some free gifts for those who pre-order it, so stay tuned for more details on that.
All my best,
Astrological Highlights
May 20
Sun enter Gemini
Venus/Neptune Square
May 22
Mercury/Venus Conjunction
Sun/Saturn Trine
Mercury/Neptune Square
Gemini New Moon
May 24
Mars/Uranus Sextile
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 7 hours)