Stellar Insights: August 31 - September 6, 2020
Photo by Tati Visual via Unsplash
How do you weave together form and formlessness? How do you at once honor the discrete and the unified? How can the rational and the imaginative form a sacred marriage?
These are some of the questions we may be asking ourselves this week, reflecting Tuesday’s Pisces Full Moon.
This lunation accords with an auspicious time for healing. We can connect to the body (via earthy Virgo, the sign in which the Sun resides) and our intuition (via sensitive Pisces, the sign in which the Moon resides). If your health has been less than abundant, or you’re just looking to feel even more vital, taking the time to focus on how to enhance your wellness during this Full Moon may prove very productive. Given the Full Moon makes a sweet connection to innovative Uranus, looking at your well-being from a different perspective and/or considering self-care approaches that aren’t your go-to’s may seem really resonant.
Use your discerning, critical eye (Virgo) to deduce how different physical and emotional factors may be combining to paint the current picture of your health. Then, sit quietly with these insights (Pisces), allowing conscious knowingness to emerge from a place deep within you and inform you on ways to proceed. The combination of Virgoan and Piscean energy can be a powerful elixir for our health as well as provide solutions to dis-ease in other areas of our life.
Be aware, though, that during a Pisces Full Moon, we may be pulled toward feelings of melancholy, to sensing whispers of sorrow caused by disillusionment. After all, both Virgo and Pisces yield a desire for perfection and idealism, and “reality” oftentimes doesn’t match up to how we desire life to be. It’s especially important during this celestial event to remember to practice compassion—for yourself and others—and to accept that even in imperfection, beauty and grace reside.
As the week comes to an end, a feeling of fieriness may feel as if it’s beginning. With Mars set to shift retrograde the following week on September 9, the planet of movement will begin to slow down its movement days before that. And with that, warring, championing, and assertion in pursuit of desires may feel all the rage.
And speaking of rage, the next week-plus feels like one in which tempers may swell. There’s nothing wrong, of course, with anger; it can be a natural and healthy reaction to injustice, frustration, and upset. And yet, anger that’s not responsibly and consciously expressed may have a host of repercussions that we’d otherwise like to avoid.
Be attentive to how you feel if your will seems stymied; see if you can be clear as to what’s arising for you and how you instinctively feel mobilized on its behalf. Also, see how time can be your teacher in this realm; how if you apply the brakes a bit and take a pause you can gain a vantage point of greater clarity that will help you process and relate to your anger in an even more constructive way. All said, don’t worry if you find this tricky terrain (which it is); we’ll all have a lot of time to focus on besting our battling skills—after all, Mars will be retrograde for 10 weeks, let alone still in Aries after that until early next year.
All my best,
Astrological Highlights
September 1
Mercury/Pluto Trine
Full Moon
September 2
Venus/Saturn Opposition
Sun/Uranus Trine
September 3
Mercury/Saturn Trine
September 4
Venus/Mars Square
Mercury/Venus Sextile
September 5
Mercury enters Libra
September 6
Venus enters Leo
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 7 hours GMT)