Stellar Insights: October 4 - 10, 2021

Photo by Taylor Deas Melesh via Unsplash

Photo by Taylor Deas Melesh via Unsplash

For a while now, I’ve had my eye on this month’s New Moon, occurring October 6. It features the Sun and Moon in Libra, and with this we are invited to call forth a new chapter when it comes to our relationships, how we define equality, and how we connect to beauty and pleasure. 


Yet, that’s not the reason—or reasons, more precisely—that it has captured my attention.


First, it’s important to point out that this year, warrior planet Mars connects to the New Moon (it joins the Moon on October 6 and the Sun on October 8). 


And with this we may experience the activation of the collective will. There’s an urge to move and be on the move, and to fight and champion for what we desire. If we are conscious of what we desire and we move in ways that reflect a heightened sense of awareness, this can be a really motivating time. Yet, if people find themselves moving restlessly, or that their will is frustrated, they may be more tapped into anger or impatience, or find themselves in midst of battles that they later wish they had sidestepped.


Yet there’s another factor that makes this day so dynamic. It turns out that this year, October 6 is the day that Pluto stations direct. As a reminder, the days surrounding the moment a planet appears to be shifting direction—whether direct or retrograde—that planet’s energy/archetype appears to be quite strong and loud in the collective consciousness.


When it’s Pluto that we’re tapping into like this, it can be quite intense. After all, it’s the planet that governs death and rebirth, the cycles of life, transformation, power, control, the underground, survival…need I say more? 


So around this New Moon, sh*t may feel really stirred. We could feel as if our fears—perhaps some connected to a sense of survival—have taken up residency in our attention, and color everything we see. We may also find that we and/or those around us want to reveal secrets and/or feel overwhelmed by secrets revealed. Power struggles may occur and some people could wrestle with issues of control. 


Intense, mais non?


And with the triple conjunction this week of the Sun, Mercury, and Mars, we may find ourselves more fueled to both understand just what it is that is agitating us and find more clarity and resolution. Reflecting this, here’s what I think is an Rx for all this, for aligning the Libra New Moon x Mars x Pluto Station. Dig down into yourself and be really honest, looking at—and answering—these questions: 

  • What do I really want?

  • What do I really feel?

  • What really motivates me? 

  • What am I really afraid of?

  • What would really happen to me if what I am afraid of manifested? (This one can lead to surprising realizations as oftentimes we can see, when we bring our fears to light, that we have the capacity to deal with whatever arises, therefore dampening the restrictive hold that the fear had on us initially.)


Once you plumb the surface and discover these underlying feelings, desires, fears, and motivations, see how they can inform you as to what you truly want to usher in, what new chapter the Libra New Moon can encourage you to invite in. You will be doing so more consciously, from a place of more holistic awareness, allowing yourself to aim for a goal that more truly resonates with your deep self and honors your deep resourcefulness.


The other reason to do so is that it can help us from being overly reactionary and taking actions that have consequences for which we have remorse. One of these could be communicating something to someone out of momentary frustration, an action that we may later regret; after all, that triple conjunction of Sun/Mercury/Mars could compel us to be quite forceful and dynamic with our words. Remember that if you need an outlet for your thoughts and feelings, try to be choosy: write them down and/or share them with a trusted ally. This can release some pressure so that you don’t explode in a way that may stymie (even temporarily) how you want to advance your current cause.

Plus, it feels like the most responsible—although I’m not saying easiest—approach. This is further reinforced given that Saturn is stationing direct on Sunday (October 10). And with that, throughout the week, we can may find ourselves reaping the benefits of hard work and efforts undertaken with responsibility. Yet, at times when Saturn is strong—like this week—if we’ve cut corners or ignored important realities, we may get quite start reminders of this with obstacles arising.


It’s a week of courage, of having the courage to dig down and be honest. Of having the courage to face our fears. Of having the courage to go slow to deal with things that need our attention. And if we do, our courage can be just what we needed all along to sweep away some of the sh*t that’s been getting in our way of our prosperity, fulfillment, and joy, helping us embark upon a new chapter infused with more harmony, balance, and beauty.

Astrological Highlights


October 6

  • Libra New Moon

  • Pluto stations Direct


October 7

  • Venus enters Sagittarius


October 8

  • Sun/Mars Conjunction


October 9

  • Sun/Mercury Conjunction

  • Mercury/Mars Conjunction


October 10

  • Saturn Stations Retrograde

All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 4 hours GMT)