Stellar Insights: January 17 - 23, 2022


Photo by Heidi Lender

(Before I share my reflections for this week, I just wanted to take a moment to give honor to Martin Luther King, Jr. May we celebrate his legacy, and continue in his footsteps for justice and equality, each and every day rather than just on this January day each year. )

Monday’s Full Moon promises take us deep + illuminate not-readily-seen insights given that it connects to arising-from-below Pluto. The themes of power, control, darkness, hidden treasures, survival, the cycles of life, and transformation seem really alive right now.

🖤Are you digging in deep to be able to source your creativity?

🖤Are you feeling passionate about either hiding or fully revealing yourself?

🖤Are you hyperaware of what’s reached its expiration date, feeling that you have no choice but to let it go?

🖤Are you wanting to say basta, enough is enough, to your or others BS?

🖤Are you tapping into a swell of sultry and seductive?

🖤Are you connecting to your fears, perhaps related to survival issues?

An affirmative answer to any may reflect that you’re swimming in these Plutonian-inspired Full Moon energies.

What also seems important right now is to not be rigid; make sure that you can pivot if need be. With Uranus stationing direct on Tuesday, the air feels filled with the chaos, surprise, and rebellion with which this planet is associated. 

What's occurred/occurring in Tonga feels so reflective of this Full Moon moment. An unleashed volcano forcefully thrusting underwater/ground matter into the atmosphere, sending shock waves around the globe let alone the shock experienced by the people whose lives and environments have been directly affected.

During this Pluto-inspired Full Moon, identify your own underwater/ground energy, and see if you can consciously release and express it, so that it doesn’t erupt in a volcanic way that seems shocking and out of your control.

And if you’re feeling the waves of disquietude, restlessness, ennui and/or annoyance, dive into what’s behind them. You don’t necessarily need to overanalyze them—after all, it feels important to give them air/space to be able to be felt; yet, getting more clarity on what’s underneath them, what it is that’s actually causing the sense of disturbance, can go a long way in terms of adjusting how you’re orienting and what you’re allowing yourself to express.

Another big movement this week relates to the Lunar Nodes. Spending about 18 months in a pair of signs, on Tuesday, the True North Node moves from Gemini to Taurus and the True South Node moves from Sagittarius to Scorpio. And with this, we may find that natural world holds even greater attention for us over the next year and one-half, and that we become even more clear on how human nature impacts our relationship with nature itself. It feels to be a time in which we become more aware of our habits and routines, wanting to take practical steps to find new ways to garner security (and even more fully understand what that means). With Taurus ruling the five senses, the way that touch, taste, smell, sounds, and sights bring us delight may also capture our collective attention.

On Wednesday, we move from Capricorn to Aquarius Season, and with that we enter a month in which we are focused upon collective efforts, logistical strategies, and humanitarian efforts. Given that the once-every-20-year Great Conjunction (the union of Jupiter and Saturn) occurred at 0 degrees of Aquarius, I’m always interested when a planet reaches that point, as it feels like it reverberates the collective shifts that that alignment—which occurred on December 21, 2020—is slowly ushering in. As such, this week I’m going to be on the lookout for affirming statements, actions, and movements related to possible societal shifts that bring the future to the present, focus on egalitarian missions, and truly take “We the people” into consideration. If this type of planetary/zeitgeist tracking is interesting to you, note that messenger Mercury goes over this Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction point three times owing to its current retrograde: the dates are January 2 (in direct movement), January 25 (in retrograde movement), and February 15 (in direct movement).

All in all, it feels like a r/evolutionary week, one in which breakthroughs want to occur, both personally and collectively. Do what you can to make space for them, trusting the process of change that’s aligned with heart- and soul-centered transformation.


All my best,



PS. This photo is by my bff Heidi Lender. Check out her photography work here and her amazing endeavor Campo, a creative institute located in Garzon, Uruguay, here



 Astrological Highlights

January 17

  • Cancer Full Moon


January 18

  • Uranus stations direct

  • North Node enters Taurus, South Node enters Scorpio


January 19

  • Sun enters Aquarius


January 23

  • Sun/Mercury Conjunction


All dates reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 5 hours GMT)