Stellar Insights: April 18 - 24, 2022
Photo by Evie S via Unsplash
Perspective can truly be everything.
For example, while it’s a week that begins with potential shocks and surprises, by my sharing this with you, and you anticipating it, things won’t end up being as shocking and surprising (if at all) as they could have been.
It’s likely that it’s information that’s been or will be delivered that is the source of the unexpected. We may be the recipient of it, hearing news or ideas that we weren’t anticipating. Alternatively or additionally, it may be us who delivers novel news or ideas to others, doing so in a manner that seems to have out-of-the-blue timing and in an out-of-character manner. We may not have planned to have said what we did in such a fashion as we did, and yet those feelings we had been bottling up just seem like they needed to find escape in whatever manner necessary. And so voila…out they came.
Yet here, as usual, it seems that there are two routes we can take this week.
We can try to avoid that which we’ve been avoiding, and risk it having greater power than our conscious will and then finding an outlet on its own. Or we can own it. We can be honest with ourselves and others, sharing how we feel and/or addressing a situation that has been wanting to be uncovered for a while. And if we do, we will find ourselves with more clarity, more control, and more confidence to connect with others and try to work through a situation with consciousness. By doing so, we—and/or others—may feel less isolated and more as if we’re working together for solutions built from consensus. Perhaps, then, it’s this—this unexpected accord, resolution, and healing—that becomes the shock and surprise (albeit a beautiful one at that) that the week promises.
Late on Tuesday, part of our perspective shifts as Taurus season begins and our focus turns to the practical and pragmatic. Nature and the knowledge that arises from feeling grounded comes more into view over the coming month as does our desire to connect with the sensual and the sybaritic.
All the while, the focus on communication, on learning, of judiciously gathering the facts continues. Make some space to address your desire to expand your mind and share your voice. Doing it thoughtfully and with a sustainable pace will not only benefit you but add more beauty and grace to the world around you. And perhaps even change people’s perspectives for the good.
Wishing you a beautiful week,
Astrological Highlights
April 18
Sun/Pluto Square
Mercury/Uranus Conjunction
Venus/Uranus Sextile
April 19
Sun enters Taurus
April 23
Mercury/North Node Conjunction
April 24
Mercury/Saturn Square
Mercury/Neptune Sextile
All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 4 hours GMT)