Astrology and Tarot for March 2023

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for March, noting that there's a lot going on this month! They discuss the pivotal shifts of two major planets, Saturn into Pisces and Pluto beginning its journey through Aquarius, and how their movements could significantly influence the collective zeitgeist. They talk about the tense square happening between three planets in Pisces with Mars in Gemini and ways to sidestep the possible conflict and tension that this could yield. They also discuss Chiron, and how with it involved in three major aspects this month, we may find our deeper wounds stimulated, and yet how with self-awareness and compassion, we can embark on a path towards healing. Stephanie chooses the Tarot card for the month at random--the Six of Swords--and Megan explains how this archetype can be an indication of potential ease and grace in our forward movement. 

Stephanie Gailing