Astrology and Tarot for February 2024

In this episode of So Divine!, Stephanie and Megan explore the celestial landscape for February. They start by discussing the magical union between Venus, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces that ushers in the month, which could have us feeling swept away in an ocean of emotional, romantic, creative, and spiritual inspirations. They discuss how Jupiter stationing direct soon after may bring opportunities for big conversations, expansive understanding, and rapid-fire messaging. As they speak about the Leo Full Moon, and how it makes a square to expect-the-unexpected Uranus, they note how important being open to new ideas and innovative ways of orienting may be. Their conversation then turns to Mars ending its two-plus month retrograde cycle and how we may find ourselves tapping into the desire to pursue our aims using the emotional awareness we’ve recently accessed. Stephanie chooses a tarot card at random--the Ace of Swords--and Megan explains how this powerful Ace offers new clarity and fresh inspiration to align with and pursue what is most essential to us.

Stephanie Gailing