Venus in Capricorn + The Invaluable Potion


Photo by Daria Sheveleva via Unsplash

I’ve once again partnered with the wise and magical herbalist Karyn Schwartz of SugarPill in Seattle, bringing together stellar insights with a custom-designed herbal and flower essence potion—called Invaluable—to support you over the coming months. Its focus is helping you to move graciously and powerfully through Venus’ extended residence in Capricorn, including its upcoming retrograde cycle.

Here are my reflections on Venus in Capricorn. Scroll down to find information on Invaluable.

One of the astrological considerations that is shaping our present moment, and will continue to do so through early March, is Venus’ residence in the sign of Capricorn (November 5, 2021 – March 5, 2022). The planet of love usually spends one month in a sign. Yet, owing to its upcoming retrograde cycle, it will spend four months in Capricorn, in the domain of the serious, straightforward, and structured.

Venus is traditionally known as a relationship planet, governing the realm of our partnerships and alliances. It also represents what underlies our attractions; as we see to what it is we are magnetized, we view a part of our deep self mirrored back to us. Additionally, through Venus, we come to understand what we value and find to have worth and richness; as such, it also represents our skills and talents, money and assets, and, importantly, our sense of self-value.

With Venus in Capricorn for such an extended period, we are taking a deep dive into exploring the value of numerous realms governed by this sign. With Capricorn being a conservative and frugal sign, it’s a time when we may find ourselves pulled to safeguard our resources, being really pragmatic about where we invest them, to ensure that we’re truly getting the pay-off we desire. We may question our loyalties, further understanding to whom and what we are committed, and why. The subject of foundations takes upon further significance as we ponder what’s fundamental, whether structures have validity, and how to work for solutions that yield sustainability. As Capricorn is related to institutions—both political, business, and financial—as well as to the treasures of the earth, we may feel called to take more responsibility when it comes to the way in which we ally with them. Given the territory that Venus will traverse, don’t be surprised if some of the subjects that capture your attention relate to experiences and understandings that manifested in 2020.


During Venus’ six-week retrograde cycle (December 19, 2021 – January 29, 2022), we have the opportunity to look at these subjects through a different lens. Instead of continuing to move forward with matters, it’s a moment in which guidance arrives through going slow, taking pauses, and turning to previous experiences for insights. Going back over things so that you can recognize skipped steps while also discovering treasures from the past is not only a way to sidestep stress but also to align with the strategic orientation of this time. And speaking of time, be open to experiences that have you learn more about its nature and value. If you feel frustrated because things are not advancing as quickly as you’d like, remember that what you are learning during these weeks will be essential ingredients for post-retrograde progress that is more holistic and rests upon a much more solid and sustainable foundation.


Venus’ residence in Capricorn occurs against a backdrop of other astrological alignments, all offering their stellar invitation for evolution. These include the stay-the-same or change-it-up Saturn/Uranus Square on December 24 and expansive Jupiter’s entry into oceanic and compassionate Pisces on December 28.


Invaluable lessons are available during Venus sojourn in Capricorn, including realizing what we deem to be invaluable.

Invaluable by Karyn Schwartz of SugarPill


The package will include:

- A 15ml bottle of the Invaluable potion that features Hawthorn extract with a custom blend of 11 flower essences (non-alcoholic; in glycerine).

Together these flowers and essences encourage love, loyalty, and working for the common good. They help to restore connection with yourself, with family and friends, with community, and with the earth itself. They help us to resist apathy and instead find the motivation to care more deeply for others in a sustainable way, and to care for the planet in a relentless, joyful manner. They help us to re-imagine what is possible, and in doing so, find new ways to create what we almost cannot even dare to dream of. They help us not close ourselves off to hope, yet not indulge in the fantasy that without our effort change will come about. They help us endure the constant heartbreak of a world riddled with injustice and threatened by our own recklessness, encouraging us to stay open in the face of all of what is true so that we might find the courage and the heart to change what needs to be changed, but at the roots finally, and in time.

- A packet of wildcrafted Hawthorn Blossom for infusing as a tea and/or a bath soak.

- The first 16 people who order Invaluable will also receive a letterpress card that says "Your joy is stronger than any hate. Continue to take the risk to care."

The cost for Invaluable is $22 plus tax and shipping. To order, contact Karyn at 206.322.7455(PILL) or Orders placed before December 15th will go out before the holidays. Orders placed after the 15th won't go out until after Christmas.