Going Slow, Going Deep: Lessons from Mars in Scorpio


When a planet is about to change directions, or just after it has, it appears to be moving very slowly.

Take Mars, for example, that has been retrograde since April 17 and is about to turn direct on June 29.

It has occupied the 23rd degree of Scorpio since June 17 and will stay at this zodiacal degree in its retrograde motion until June 29. After it shifts forward it will stay at 23 degrees Scorpio until July 11. That's 12 days at 23 in retrograde and another 12 in forward motion. To get a sense of how slow that is, just before it got back to 23 degrees, Mars was at 24 degrees for 5 days. And compare this to its 'regular' speed of traversing 1 degree in about 2 days.

So, suffice it to say that Mars is moving sloooooowly….

And as it does, it seems like what it stands for, what it represents, gets louder in the collective and personal consciousness and unconsciousness.

And it's not just any old Mars, it's Mars in Scorpio that's seemingly loud and apparent.

Mars relates to activation, assertion, willpower, movement, desire, strategy, fighting for what's important to you, energy, fuel, heat, et al.

Scorpio relates to the depth of emotions, the hidden spaces, passions, the death that leads to regeneration, molting, transformative experiences, the subconscious mind, an all or nothing approach, et al.

There are many reflections that Mars stationing in Scorpio may be dredging up. Here are a few Stellar Reflection Questions I've recently been considering:

* What strategies do I instinctively rely upon when I feel threatened?

* What galvanizes my suspicions?

* When do I find myself triggered to hide, and what are my hiding places, whether literal ones or stories that I tell myself so as to feel safe?

* What can I do to trust my inner world more as a safe haven when I feel scared or disempowered?

* Can I find more freedom if I don't approach things from an all-or-nothing perspective?

Also remember as Mars is going slow, it may be a great time for us to do so as well. Go slow, be steady and diligent, revel in the pause, make space, and don't rush. Dig in, dig down, and dig into your well of self-compassion. This is especially great strategy now, the days just before and after June 29 as Mars shifts direction.


Stephanie Gailing