The Push Pull of the Week: Being Clear About Unclarity


It's quite the week!

We're in a swirl of surrender and softening as we approach the last of the Saturn/Neptune Squares.

And the sensing that a sea change is occurring and yet the horizon not clear owing to a feeling of fogginess and blur is enhanced owing to us being in between Eclipses.

And yet, with Jupiter at the tail end of Virgo, we're pulled towards analyzing, looking at details, and bringing out the magnifying glass to examine the piece parts.

We're at once orienting towards finding clarity and containment while also feeling like things are cloudy and any conclusion is premature. 

That's a fine line to balance, a tightrope to walk. But walk it we should, and can.

And all the while, we need to watch being pulled by an undertow of criticality and judgement for not doing it right, best, perfect. 

Don't discount the lessons learned on how things can be improve, and yet, do so while you embrace yourself in a cocoon of self-compassion and love, showering yourself with forgiveness and acceptance, and giving yourself permission to take a pause when you need it, remembering that things take time.

This feels like one of the ways to surf through the waters of this week.

Stellar Datebook

  • Solar Eclipse: September 1
  • Lunar Eclipse: September 16
  • Jupiter shifts from Virgo to Libra: September 9
  • Saturn/Neptune Square: September 10
  • Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: August 30 - September 21