The Lessons Unearthed Through Valuing Depth [Venus/Jupiter/Pluto]

With the Venus/Pluto Opposition + Venus/Jupiter Square, it’s a week of assessing value, of contemplating beauty, of discovering the richness of life. The path of doing so isn’t necessarily pretty, urging us to connect to a naked honesty, encouraging us to see the ugliness that circulate within us personally and collectively. And yet it’s through the acknowledgement of our shadow, and a tenacious commitment to compassion, that we are able to journey to a deeper level of humanity and unearth a love that touches something within us oft buried and yet which is our thread to all our brothers and sisters.

Today, with the Moon in loving-variety + wordsmith Gemini, I offer you some quotes that struck me as periscopes into different facets of what the Venus/Pluto/Jupiter dynamics may be connecting us to:

“The beauty of the world...has two edges, one of laughter, one of anguish, cutting the heart asunder.”  ― Virginia Woolf

“The truth is not always beautiful, nor beautiful words the truth.” ― Lao Tzu

“Death is the mother of beauty. Only the perishable can be beautiful, which is why we are unmoved by artificial flowers.” ― Wallace Stevens

“Beauty awakens the soul to act.” ― Dante Alighieri

“All the diversity, all the charm, and all the beauty of life are made up of light and shade.” ― Leo Tolstoy

“But he who dares not grasp the thorn, Should never crave the rose.” ― Anne Brontë

(Photo by John Rocha via Pexels; quotes via GoodReads)