Aquarius Lunar Eclipse: Shine for You, Shine for Others


August 7, 2017: Aquarius Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon)

Given that Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons, things may seem as if they are coming to fruition as we may be sensing that we are experiencing the outcome of steps previously taken. Even if we can’t see a Lunar Eclipse in the sky, these celestial events are potent harbingers of illumination in our lives. Often, weeks before and after Eclipses, life-shifting feelings, reflections, events, and people come into our lives.

As it’s an Aquarius Full Moon (the Moon is in Aquarius and the Sun is in Leo), usually issues involving individuals and their relationship to the collective may seem to be near the center of our attention. There could be a heightened sense of tension as an organization strives to accommodate the needs of its members along with its own overarching identity and goals. It may also be a potent time for breakthroughs in the arena of group dynamics and team building. Tensions could arise if we find ourselves torn between wanting to align with and support a group mission and at the same time wanting to not abdicate the experience of gaining recognition for our personal brand of specialness.

Connect to the uniqueness that is you and see how you can give yourself more permission to shine your light. Oftentimes, lack of confidence, or shame, or the questioning of our value keeps us back from sharing our gifts with the world. Not only is this a disservice to ourselves, as we keep ourselves from being ourselves, yet it is also a disservice to the collective. We all have unique gifts that can be of benefit to others, helping to inspire them in their life; if we hold ourselves back and don't contribute who we are and what we know, not only do we restrict ourselves from being authentically ourselves but we may restrict others as well as they may not receive the inspiration, or knowledge, or beauty that we can add to their lives. Realizing that the value of shining our creative selves can be rich not only for us but for others as well feels like a beautiful lesson of an Aquarius Full Moon (and one that may seem heightened during an Aquarius Lunar Eclipse).

This month’s Lunar Eclipse Full Moon falls at 16 degrees of Leo (Sun) and Aquarius (Moon). While everyone may experience the energies of a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant, Nadir/Midheaven, or Lunar Nodes) around this degree in Leo, Aquarius, or the other fixed signs—Taurus and Scorpio—it may impact you more intensely.

Aquarius Lunar Eclipse Apothecary Suggestions

Leo is associated with the heart, spine, and hair while Aquarius is associated with the calves, ankles, peripheral circulatory system, retinas, and the body’s bionergetics. Pay extra attention to these areas of the body around the time of this lunation.

Buttercup flower essence: When you need some support stoking the inner flame of self-value, buttercup flower essence may be of benefit. It’s especially good for periods when we are judging ourselves by external markers of success that, in turn, degrade our sense of self-worth. It helps shift the source of light from the unreliable-without to the eternally-sustaining-within, and helps us to acknowledge and cherish our value. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)

Sweet marjoram essential oil: Associated with eternal peace and happiness, quintessential Aquarian ideals, sweet marjoram is known for its antispasmodic and circulation-enhancing properties. With its pacifying fragrance and tension-calming effects, this essential oil may help to calm an overly stimulated nervous system. Use in a diffusor, smell a few drops from the bottle and/or add to some almond massage oil.

* The Full Moon is exact at 11:11 am PDT