Gemini Full Moon: Quests and Questionings

Photo by Angelo Palomino via Unsplash

Photo by Angelo Palomino via Unsplash


November 23, 2018: Gemini Full Moon

This Full Moon features the Sun in Sagittarius opposing the Moon in Gemini. And with this, we may feel ourselves caught in a push-pull between stepping back to gain perspective and focusing in on the facts that make up the whole picture. Striking a balance is important: Remember not to lose the forest for the trees, and yet don’t forsake the trees for the forest either, as both are equally important.

If we can find a way to integrate the energies calling for our attention, the day can grace us with a significant opportunity for wisdom and learning. As we quest to become aware of the bigger picture, it’s important to remember to tap into information that can promote our greater understanding, rather than just taking off from a launch pad of vision and beliefs.

Yet, at the same time, it’s important to remember that it’s not just information that contributes to a sense of knowingness. We all have a deep sense of intuition that can guide us in charting the course of our life journey; we just need to have the faith that this resides within us.

The Full Moon connects with Mars and Jupiter, with Mars in Pisces making a square to the Sun and the Moon while Jupiter in Sagittarius unites with the Sun. There’s a sense of wanting to shine bright, stand out and uphold a greater sense of dignity, and finding new information that allows us to connect to the visions we see and the terrain we want to inhabit.

Yet, as we do, we could experience forces that oppose this, fighting against our desire to radiate, grow, and live into our potential. With this Full Moon aligning with Thanksgiving, a time where friends/family gather together, and ingrained relationship dynamics are often the invisible guest at the table, watch for the potential to feel triggered in a way that may feel more escalated. If you feel that someone is attacking you, or you’re on the attack, try to take a step back to look at the bigger picture—something that Sagittarius and Jupiter can help with—so that collateral damage, later regrettable, doesn’t ensue.

That said, the battling and aggressive factions may not necessarily be asserted by others but may arise from within; we could find ourselves fighting against our sense of self by downplaying our right to pursue what we want. Watch for this, for the warrior within you that fights against your missions. See how you may dissolve some/all of this inner tension and struggle, to release the part of you that battles against yourself, so that your will and sense of self can become more aligned and fight for each other, rather than operate at cross purposes.

This month’s Full Moon falls at 1 degree of Sagittarius (Sun) and Gemini (Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a Full Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Sagittarius, Gemini, or the other mutable signs—Virgo and Pisces—it may impact you more intensely.

Gemini Full Moon Apothecary Suggestions

Sagittarius is associated with liver, hips, buttocks, thighs, and sciatic nerve while Gemini is associated with the shoulders, arms, lungs, and nervous system. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body and areas of health around the time of this Full Moon.

Meditation: Full Moons oftentimes stimulate a sense of agitation. When the energies of Gemini are involved–which it is today–it’s especially fruitful to focus on centering our sense of calm. Meditation can be very helpful for this. As Gemini rules the respiratory system, incorporating pranayama breathing exercises may be especially beneficial. Even if you don’t regularly meditate, try taking even just 5 minutes to sit quietly and focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale as this can be a great exercise to quell nervous tension. Although Sagittarius is the sign of the sojourn, during your meditation try to still your mind, keeping it on a short reign so that it doesn’t travel too far.

Lavender: During this Full Moon time, we may be processing a lot of mental and emotional energy, resulting in our nervous system being a bit amped up. If you’re feeling a bit wiry, consider using lavender essential oil, which has calming benefits not only cited in traditional tales but also by numerous research studies that have found it to have stress-relieving, attention-enhancing, and anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) properties. In addition, lavender also has powerful antibacterial properties. Carry a vial of lavender with you, inhaling its beautiful aroma whenever you need a sense of calm. Or add a few drops to a plain massage oil and apply as a fragrantly centering body moisturizer.

The Full Moon is exact at 12:39 am EST