ReThinking Our Aim: Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

Photo by Marisa Howenstine via Unsplash

Photo by Marisa Howenstine via Unsplash


With Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius* the rest of the month, we’re in a rich time territory wherein we can learn to further sharpen our aim. Take the time to go slow and shift perspectives when you set your sights, seeing if you can hit the target in a way that more clearly aligns with what you believe and the visions you have for your life. Find new ways to make more space for yourself, broadening your horizons and seeking ways to feel a greater sense of expanse.

With both Mercury and Jupiter currently in Sagittarius, and the Sun about to dart into this exploratory sign on Thursday, TRUTH, TRUE and TRUTHFULNESS may be a trio of words that captivate our attention as we journey to better understand what is accurate, authentic, and indisputable (and what that even means). Mercury’s gallop backwards in this sign can point us to ideas, conversations, and knowledge gained in the past that may help us to further know how to assess the veracity of something or someone.

And while we may all have Retrograde fatigue (there’s been a lot of retro action since June with all the personal planets—Mars, Venus and Mercury—doing a backwards jig at some point since then), remember that Mercury Retrograde isn’t bad and can actually bring amazing gifts. The key seems to be to follow its path; as the planet of communication and bridge-building retraces its territory, so should we, finding skips we stepped and information we glossed over, so that we can gain new levels of understanding and clarity.

Look at things from a different perspective. Put RE before verbs related to Mercury (so, re-edit, re-write, re-communicate, re-research, re-bridge, etc). Go slow, take a different stance, turn to your intuition and imagination…these seem to be some ways that can help us discover the jewels available during Mercury Retrograde.

As far as flower essences, Impatiens is always a good one for retrograde periods, helping us to inspire pause and stave off the need to do or say it now, when we know in our heart of hearts it’s not the right time. Vervain may also be beneficial during heightened Sagittarius times if you find that an unbridled sense of enthusiasm for learning and discovery is inspiring excess nervous agitation and the depletion of your energy.

*Mercury will dive back into Scorpio on December 1 for the remainder of its current retrograde cycle, through December 6. Navigation tips on this when it gets closer.