Synchronicity in Client Sessions


I’m always struck by the synchronicity of events that occurs during client sessions—whether those I do in person or online--and hold a great reverence for it. 

For example, I can’t tell you the amount of times that I’ve been talking with a client on Skype about the role of Uranus, the Great Awakener and Disruptor, the planet that rules networks and technology, in their lives only to have the call drop or the sound to get really distorted at that time. There’s also been times when we’ll be focusing on something related to water signs in their chart and/or the planet Neptune and one or both of us will spill some water. It always seems to me as if the planet’s archetypes, the wisdom that it wants to infused itself has entered the room, trying to get our attention, so the invitation that it is offering to the client at this point in their life can be further recognized and embodied.

Another example occurred yesterday with a client that I met at my new office, one related to these flowers, a canvas that has yet to express synchronicity for me when working with clients. We had been talking about the role of Pluto in her birth chart and how it connected to the tenets of repair and renew, transformation, and death and regeneration, and the cycles of life. We then moved to speaking about Uranus, and how it could relate to sudden, out-of-the-blue events that lead to awakening and awareness…and just then, “out of nowhere” the stem of one of the calla lilies in this vase split and the flower drooped over hitting the vase and making an audible sound. It caught both of our attentions and we stopped. I commented on the synchronicity of it given our discussions, and it seemed to deepen our understanding and shared experience. I was once again in awe, in awe of the synchronicity, in awe of the magic and the grace of it all.

One of the most famous stories of synchronicity and the therapeutic value of it comes from Carl G. Jung. He had been working in this psychotherapeutic practice with a woman who he noted was quite rational, which was getting in the way of her emotional processing. One day as she was telling him about a dream in which she received an expensive necklace in the shape of a golden scarab, he heard some tapping on the window. Curious as to the sound, he got up and saw the presence of a golden-green scarabaeid beetle. It was said that the presentation of the beetle to the woman at the time of her dream recounting helped her to break through her rationalization and open to deeper emotional therapeutic processes and healing. 

What’s your experience of synchronicity in your life? How do you view and relate with it? How does it weave within your life? With the second of three Jupiter/Neptune Trines occurring on May 25, it feels like an aligned time to focus on such numinous topics as synchronicity and how it may inform our lives.