May's Podcast Episode


In this month’s So Divine! podcast, Megan Skinner and I set our sites on Uranus, given that the shake-it-up planet enters Taurus on May 15 (the same day as the Taurus New Moon).

Given that Uranus changes signs once every seven years (and hasn’t been in Taurus since 1942), this isn’t your garden-variety astro happening, yet one that may shake up a whole new level of experience and awareness.

We talk about what the renegade planet’s stroll through this earthy and sensual sign may mean for us collectively and personally, giving you strategies and perspectives to help you keep ahead of the curve. Some unexpected (how Uranus!) emotions come up, as Megan shares a personal story that ties into the Tarot card for the month. I share wellness suggestions as well as some Uranus-in-Taurus trend “predictions.” In addition, we talk the Mars/Uranus Square that occurs three times in the coming month, the Jupiter/Neptune Trine that’s opening us to an infusion of soulfulness and much more.

You can find So Divine! on my website or on iTunes (where you can subscribe so you can get episodes immediately as they are released).