What's in the Stars for Fall: An AstroSalon at The Cloud Room
Want stellar insights into the key opportunities and challenges that the next few months offer us both personally and collectively?
Then join me for at my upcoming AstroSalon in which we'll explore the astrological landscape of fall. In discussions that will inform and inspire you, you'll get tips, key dates, and wellness suggestions to confidently navigate and plan for this season.
In this AstroSalon, we'll explore the canvas of fall’s celestially inspired themes including:
Re-evaluating What We Value (Venus Retrograde)
Understanding the Depths of Truth (Jupiter shifting from Scorpio to Sagittarius)
Taking Responsibility for Our Feelings (North Node moving into Cancer)
Breakthroughs in Individual Freedom (Uranus re-entering Aries)
Rethinking Communication (Mercury Retrograde)
And much more…
To amplify your take-aways, you’ll also receive personalized reflections based upon your individual astrology chart, including insights on Venus Retrograde.
This AstroSalon will be a little different than ones in the past; for this limited attendance workshop, we will gather around the big farm tables at The Cloud Room so that we can more readily engage in dialogue to unearth a deeper level of understanding of what may be arising for us personally and collectively.
And as always, spirit master Jay Kuehner will craft a special cocktail that will align with the astrological energetics that we will explore.
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (come earlier if you’d like to get a drink)
Where: The Cloud Room
Fee: $25 (Cloud Room members: inquire about special discount)
Questions? Don't hesitate to send me a note.
Note: AstroSalon has limited capacity so register early.