Stellar Insights: September 10 - 16, 2018

Photo by Christopher Burns via Unsplash

Photo by Christopher Burns via Unsplash


It’s a week of speaking truth to power, and knowing the power of truth.

After all, not only does the Jupiter/Pluto Sextile that’s cast its hue upon the collective since the beginning of the year makes its final alignment this week, but it makes a connection to the shine-your-light Sun and messenger Mercury. The previous two Jupiter/Pluto Sextiles occurred January 15 and April 14.

Through its tie-in with these planets, the Jupiter/Pluto invitations—of exposing the hidden, of learning through unearthing, of wisdom derived from honest exploration, of enhanced attention to the cycles of life—may shine more brightly and maintain a greater part of the collective conversation this week. Remember that Jupiter is in Scorpio, and Pluto is the modern-day ruler of that stirring and passionate sign; as such, there’s an additional emphasis on digging deep into what’s been buried or resides below the surface.

We may feel like we’re called to pull out all the stops when it comes to finding the depth of our resourcefulness. It’s a week where we may remember that that even if we feel that things—including, perhaps, truths in which we had previously believed--are being stripped away, that the core of who we are not only remains but can forever shine and generate regardless.

We may find that what resides in vaults--including the repository of our psyche's depths--to be revealed, whether catalyzed by our initiative or another’s. What’s often been stored away there are the feelings—whether it be shame, or jealousy, or fear, or regret—that are hard to be with. And so, we pack them away. And yet, the axiom “out of sight, out of mind” doesn’t necessarily abide (whether it does long term in any situation is another story), as we see that that which has been brushed under the subconscious’ rug calls for our attention, wanting to have its voice.  

It may be some of these feelings that stir this week and which we may feel are begging to be seen, to be brought to the surface. Listen in and see what wants to emerge, and be seen and heard. Consider, perhaps, dialogues that can be had, or research to be undertaken, that can reveal information previously unknown, yet vital to holistic understanding and healing. All the while, if you feel rattled through this process, or even the consideration of it, yet know that it’s a pursuit you desire, find ways to support yourself to inspire your commitment and endurance and reduce the fear that could stand in your way. 

Speaking of secrets, and speaking of fear, I find it so synchronistic that Bob Woodward’s long-awaited book, Fear, is being released on Tuesday. Already causing a stir owing to the recounting of behind-the-scenes perspectives on President Trump, it feels so Jupiter/Pluto, as it pulls back some veils on what occurs behind doors of the Oval Office. Plus as it will likely dominate the news cycle and is related to the leader of a country, it so strikingly reflects the archetypes of Mercury and the Sun, respectively.

Speaking of Mercury, it also makes an opposition to poetic Neptune this week. And with that it seems that we can tap into the wealth of our imagination for inspiration. All the while, though, we need to make sure we don’t get lost in the fog of confusion. Make sure to have your trusted compass of truth handy so that you don’t get lost in spin cycles that can keep you from speaking truth to power and knowing the true powerful truth.

Turning our attention back to the beginning of this week, we’ve got Mars re-entering Aquarius, the sign of social innovation in which it spent most of its recent retrograde cycle. From now through October 8, Mars will zig through the terrain of Aquarius that it traveled during its retrograde path (from June 26 to August 27). And with that, we may find ourselves able to move forward in pursuits that we’ve been contemplating over the past few months, doing so with a more strident and clear directionality, reaping the reward for the riches of insights that we received through the slow, patience-testing pace at which we may have found ourselves moving this summer/winter.

Remember, it’s a time of speaking truth to power and knowing the power of truth. Through this orientation, the week may deliver surprisingly valuable insights and experiences that may have richness not only in the present moment but moving forward.

Astrological Highlights

September 10

* Mars re/enters Aquarius


September 11

* Sun/Jupiter Sextile

* Sun/Pluto Trine


September 12

* Jupiter/Pluto Sextile

* Venus/Uranus Opposition

* Venus/Saturn Sextile


September 13

* Mercury/Neptune Opposition


September 15

* Mercury/Pluto Trine


September 16

* Mercury/Jupiter Sextile

Dates noted reflect Eastern Daylight Time