Stellar Insights: October 14 - 20, 2019

Photo by Nong Vang via Unsplash

Photo by Nong Vang via Unsplash

Sometimes it’s important to luxuriate, to have a leisurely pace as we move through an experience.

Of course, when we’re enchanted by a beautiful event, a gathering filled with sybaritic pleasures, or a meaningful tête-à-tête, we want to savor every moment, steeping ourselves in its richness, and proceed in an unhurried tempo.

It’s the intense experiences—those that inspire deep stirrings, that call forth powerful and even uncomfortable thoughts and feelings—that we usually want to rush through. We want them behind us so that we don’t have to feel their rattlings, face their siren’s call, and galvanize the courage that it takes to make the changes towards which they are pointing us.

And yet, we would often do well to approach these in a leisurely way as well, finding approaches that allow us to make space for the realizations that have arisen from deep within, and see the light that they are showing us, rather than just surging forward, thinking that we can leave them in our rear-view mirror. Because, as hard as we may want to believe that’s possible, we truly know that out of sight is not out of mind.

Sitting with the discomfort that may surface when our fears or regrets arise isn’t always easy, and allowing ourselves to be with them and let them simmer isn’t without its challenge. And yet, it’s often vital, a way to transform our worries and sorrows into wisdom, gifts that can illuminate our path forward with more freedom, creativity, and joy.

It takes time but time can become our ally, a catalyzing ingredient for shedding that which has constricted us, so that we can break out of confines that have kept our radiance shackled.

I share this with you here, as we’ve just had a very potent Full Moon, compelling in that it exactly squared Pluto, likely bringing to light many things that have been bubbling up in us for the last six months.

As such, it feels like the beauty of this week comes from luxuriating— being with whatever has been arising in you that may have emerged or erupted, embracing yourself with compassion and allowing the recent awareness to stream over you, having faith that going forth with this awareness will be a key to valuable recalibration and transformation.

For a wayfinding reminder on what may have been galvanized last week with the October 13’s Full Moon, see here.


All my very best,




Astrological Highlights

October 14

  • Sun/Pluto Square


October 15

  • Mercury/Neptune Trine


October 19

  • Mercury/Pluto Sextile


October 20

  • Venus/Saturn Sextile




Stephanie Gailing