Stellar Insights: December 16 - 22, 2019
Most of this week finds us in the last days of Sagittarius Season, as we continue to feel pulled to explore and understand the bigger picture. Take advantage of these days and the quest to see things from a wider angle and elevated perspective.
Saturday the Solstice arrives. This turning point has us inviting in a seasonal shift, with autumn giving way to winter in the Northern Hemisphere and spring opening to summer in the Southern Hemiphere. Unlike the two Equinoxes which reflect the dynamic of equality and balance, the Solstice connects us to extremes: we live into what it feels like to experience the peak of darkness or the peak of light, all the while knowing that once a pinnacle is reached, a new cycle is set to begin.
As we gear up for the advent of this year’s Capricorn Season, we open into a time period where events of significance may feel like the norm, with superficiality seeming to be an antique offering from another time. This feels even more relevant this year given that not only do we have a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on Christmas (just past midnight the morning after in the east coast), but we also have the deconstruct-to-reconstruct events of January—the Lunar Eclipse that features a tie-in to Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto on January 10 with the exact alignment of the latter two planets on January 12.
Things may feel sober, serious, and somber….as we are all active witnesses to experiences that seem to be testing the structural integrity of foundations that we’ve built and relied upon.
While I will share more on this next week, there is an article I found that helped me to further give voice to deep feelings I was having about all this, while once again knowing that I was not alone in this experience. It’s a piece called Democracy Grief is Real by Michelle Goldberg. If you’ve been finding it difficult to watch structures you’ve believed in and relied upon—specifically, the democratic tenets of the country you live in—seem as if they are being torn down brick by brick, you may find this article to be insightful and comforting.
PS. With the Festival of Lights beginning on Sunday, I wanted to wish a Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate it.
Astrological Highlights
December 19
Mars/Saturn Sextile
December 21
Sun enters Capricorn (Solstice)
All days reflect Eastern Standard Time (- 8 hours GMT)