Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse: Amount, Account, Surmount
Photo by Zzburzz via Unsplash
December 26, 2019: Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse
Even if we can’t see an Eclipse in the sky where we live, these celestial events are renowned for being very powerful in the way in which they can impact our lives. Oftentimes, life-changing events or reflections occur around the time of an Eclipse. Yet, remember that reflective of the word itself, things are often “eclipsed” around the time of Eclipses. As such, you may find yourself feeling like there is a sea change in your life, that seeds are being planted, yet not clear what it will be that will bear fruit. That clarity may become greater when weeks and months pass; and so, if you’re not yet clear what it is that is exactly being given form, that may be just as it should be.
Remember that while Solar Eclipses accord with New Moons, and usher in new cycles, that they often do so on the heels of endings. The clearing of the field makes space so that newly planted seeds can grow with integrity and vitality, not needing to compete with the remnants of old growth that no longer yields enrichment to the garden of our life. And so, if you’re finding yourself as much waving in new possibilities as you are bidding adieu to old ones, that is at it is.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse is in the sign of Capricorn. There we find, of course, the Sun and the Moon. Yet, also this year we find a host of other celestial bodies. Jupiter and the South Node are close by in Capricorn, and Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto are also in this sign. As the latter four tie much closer in to the Lunar Eclipse on January 10, I will reflect upon their import then/there. For this Capricorn Solar Eclipse, I do want to share about it taking into consideration the Jupiter and South Node tie-in.
When we think about Capricorn, we often reflect about issues of economy and efficiency. Hard work, prudence, and diligence are valued. It inspires us to do things that matter, and as an earth sign hones in on constructing with matter, with things that have physical substance, rather than focusing in on solely ideas or feelings.
So, with this Solar Eclipse, we may find ourselves opening to new ways to zoom in on our personal economy and magnetized to inventory our resources. Balancing our checkbook, surveying investments, or considering an aspect of financial planning we’ve yet to fully explore may yield riches.
Of course, our personal economy of resources is not just limited to our money but also includes our time, energy, and skills/talents, all of which comprise the capital that we can use to create a richer life. Whether we are allocating these efficiently—and whether they are generating additional assets or incurring liabilities for us—can be very prudent topics to survey during this New Moon. The answers can help us to create a stronger foundation upon which we can build our future.
Loyalty and commitment may also be important themes during this New Moon. What we may find ourselves looking at isn’t only the concept of being dutiful but also whether the people and institutions to which we have granted our allegiance are those that are worthy of it. Readjustments in relationships—involving how much we give and how much we allow ourselves to expect in return—may occur.
Other ways to access insights about Capricorn themes relate to the words that seem to associate themselves with this sign. For more on some Capricorn-inspired languaging, see here.
So how may the South Node and Jupiter tie in? The South Node reflects karmic patterns. Through this we may further see how the ways in which we operate, both on an instinctive and emotional level, are less arising from a conscious place and more from inherited tendencies that we may struggle to release. Letting go is also related to the South Node, as things connected to it sometimes have a way of releasing. I can’t remember what astrologer said this, but I recall hearing someone describe the South Node like a vacuum cleaner, clearing away the ways in which the planet operates astrologically that don’t necessarily best serve our destiny. As such, there feels like an even greater emphasis on the surrendering of things that we’ve carried forward, but which do not truly honor our present life.
As for Jupiter being a dance partner of the Solar Eclipse—uniting with the Moon on December 26 and the Sun on December 27—it feels like it makes everything that’s occurring even more prominent and noticeable. Issues arising feel big and bright, and even unavoidable. We are called to pay attention, and by doing so, we can not only learn a voluminous amount but also find that we’re priming ourselves for a chapter of great new growth. That said, while Jupiter expands and encourages possibilities, just make sure you’re also taking natural limits into consideration so that you aim with optimism while also being aware of what truly can be achieved given the time and other resources at hand.
This month’s New Moon falls at 5 degrees of Capricorn (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon Solar Eclipse, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Capricorn or the other cardinal signs—Aries, Cancer, Libra—it may impact you more intensely. In addition, if you know your astrology chart, you can further understand how this Solar Eclipse may inspire you by seeing in which of your houses 5 degrees Capricorn resides.
Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse Apothecary Suggestions
Capricorn is associated with the skin, skeletal system, and joints. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this New Moon Solar Eclipse
Gentian Flower Essence: Looking for help pushing past a hurdle that's getting in the way of your ability to climb to the top of a proverbial mountain? Need additional encouragement to accomplish the goals that you are setting for yourself? If so, gentian is a great flower essence to try. It can be really helpful if you’re finding that obstacles are knocking you off your steady footing and you’re finding yourself filled with discouragement rather than perspective. It can help you bolster your spirit when a setback appears, so that you can re-kindle your faith that you can accomplish what you have intentioned. [Flower essences are vibrational elixirs that you can find in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.]
Skincare: This Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse provides a great opportunity to pay special attention to our skin. Get a dry brush or scrub mitt so that you can commit to (or re/commit to) a regular exfoliating routine. If you don’t have a regular moisturizing ritual, build one into your morning (and perhaps even evening) regimen. Consider a simple body moisturizer like coconut or almond oil; they are chemical-free, don’t contain additives or preservatives, and are less expensive than many other options (something that’s always appreciated during Capricorn season). Another idea is to treat your face to a nourishing and hydrating facial mask; you can either find them in apothecaries or beauty stores, or consider making your own from ingredients such as avocados, honey, aloe vera, yogurt, and other nurturing food-based ingredients.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse is exact at 12:13 am EST