Aquarius New Moon: Gaining a Social Perspective

Photo by Lucas Van Oort via Unsplash

Photo by Lucas Van Oort via Unsplash

January 24, 2020: Aquarius New Moon

During this New Moon in Aquarius we may find ourselves turning out attention from our personal lives to larger collective issues. Inherent within, there’s a knowingness that we are not separate, that a connection unites us to those we hear or read about around the globe. If there were a theme song for the day,“We Are The World”—the 1985 pop star-riddled ballad that raised money for humanitarian aid—may very well be it. The energetics of this day may readily inspire within us the awareness that we are not isolated beings, but rather global citizens, and that what happens on the other side of the world can feel as proximate—and relevant—as what is happening down the street.

With the New Moon making a connection to Uranus in Taurus, we may find that surprises occur with some regularity as to be not that surprising. See how the unexpected is changing not only your expectations but also how it may be pointing you to understand things from a new and wider-angle perspective. If there are opportunities to take all the puzzle pieces of a situation or creative project and string them together in a different way, do so. This experiment may reveal and interesting and fruitful pattern you’d yet to realize.

This month’s New Moon falls at 5 degrees of Aquarius (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of a New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Aquarius or the other fixed signs—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio—it may impact you more intensely.

Aquarius New Moon Apothecary Suggestions

Aquarius is associated with the calves, ankles, peripheral circulatory system, and the body’s bioenergetics. Pay attention to these part of the body and areas of health around the time of this New Moon

Energetic healing: With Aquarius the sign ruling subtle energies and alternative approaches, enjoying a healing method that focuses on your body’s bio-energetic system may be especially powerful during this New Moon. Some practices to consider include reiki, qigong, and acupuncture.

Legs up the wall asana (Vipariti Karani): This gentle, restorative pose inspires calm and relaxation. It can provide benefit for the Aquarius-ruled calves and peripheral circulatory system as it helps to bring the blood flow from the lower legs back to the torso. To practice, sit on the floor with the right side of your body next to a wall and your legs bent and feet on the floor. Lie on your left side (perpendicular to the wall) and roll onto your back, bringing your legs straight up to rest against the wall. Scoot your buttocks forward so that they are as close to the wall as possible. Close your eyes and relax for at least five minutes.


The New Moon is exact at 4:42 pm EST