Aries New Moon: Be a Champion for Healing
Photo by Sergiu Valena via Unsplash
Aries New Moon: March 24, 2020
Aries New Moon that arrives on March 24 catapults us into action as we find ourselves wanting to begin something new. Not only is there a sense that a new chapter is about to blossom but we may also feel like we want to be an agent in initiating it.
It’s a time when we may find ourselves wanting to passionately hop onto a figurative battlefield and fight for a cause that fuels our spirit. With so much Aries energy, we may act from our impulses without filtering much through our minds. As such, it’s exceptionally essential to have your actions be informed by and rooted in conscious awareness. This feels notably important always yet especially so now given that we’re also approaching Mars uniting with Saturn. Being deliberate and efficient with our actions is rewarded. All the while just firing on all cylinders without a thoughtful plan may have untoward consequences, including our depleting our energy, missing our mark, and feeling really frustrated (something we have much less bandwidth for now given all that we are having to work through).
This New Moon unites with Chiron, the celestial body that holds the archetype of healing and the wounded healer. This has this New Moon further feeling like an invitation to really focus our energies on healing. Yet, not only our own healing but also being champions for that of others. We can pull deeply from the experiences that we’ve gone through in our lives, perhaps even those that have introduced us to deep sorrow, and tap into the awareness and strength that’s evolved because of it and use that wisdom to as a salve/balm. Here are some examples; use them as a template to tap into seeing how you may apply this insight personally:
1/ If you’ve lived through a war and then subsequent peacetime, share your wisdom and experiences with others as we all move through this time in history.
2/ If you’ve lost someone close to you and have already had a deeply personal face-to-face with grief, you can sit wisely and compassionately with others who are moving through that right now.
3/ If an experience had previously had you feeling that your nourishment was restricted and that called you into action to create a home garden, share your practical tips with others so that they can begin to grow their own food.
4/ If you’ve found meditation or breathwork or some other technique to be helpful in your maintaining a sense of equanimity and resilience, share your techniques with others who may have the same need.
These are just four examples but hopefully they will help you to see how you can dig into your own experiences to see how they have forged a foundation within you that allows you to continue to bolster your well-being as well as those of others.
For this month’s New Moon, both the Sun and Moon are at 5 degrees of Aries. To further personalize the new inspirations that this New Moon may call forth for you, you can look to see where 5 degrees Aries falls in your chart: which house it resides within and whether it connects to any of your planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven).
Aries New Moon Apothecary Suggestions
Aries rules the head, muscles, and circulatory system. Pay extra attention to these parts of the body around the time of this New Moon.
Impatiens flower essence: As its name implies, Impatiens flower essence help quell impatience, one of the premier characteristics associated with Aries. So, if you find yourself being overly impetuous or running a short fuse, consider this remedy. Take a few drops several times a day until you feel the impatience lifting. (Flower essences are made from flower-infused water and work energetically to restore emotional and mental balance. You can find them in natural food stores or holistic pharmacies.)
Scalp massage: Start your New Moon morning with a scalp massage. It’s simple to do and only takes a few minutes. Just take a nourishing oil (such as coconut or avocado) and rub it into your scalp before you shampoo your hair. Start at your hairline and work backwards toward the nape of your neck, rubbing your scalp with moderate pressure in small circular motions. For additional scalp-health benefits, add some rosemary essential oil to the massage blend. Regular scalp massages—which you can even do without the oil—can help stimulate circulation, alleviate tension, and reduce flaky scalp conditions.
New Moon is exact at 5:28 am EDT