Stellar Insights: March 23 - 29, 2020

Photo by Max Hofstetter via Unsplash

Photo by Max Hofstetter via Unsplash

I hope you are finding ways to find strength and clarity during this time of radical transformation.

As the landscape continues to change, so must we. On the one hand it feels like we’re being stretched in so many ways, finding the resourcefulness to adapt quickly to the changes that are on hand. Paradoxically, as we’re being stretched we’re also finding ourselves consolidating: finding more with less, pruning out non-essentials so we can focus on essentials, and fortifying our strength by finding what it truly is that bolsters us. When I think of ‘stretching’ I think of Jupiter and when I think of ‘consolidating’ I think of Saturn – this has me but wonder if the parallel tracks of doing both—stretching and consolidating—will have us realize that they—as well as the planets themselves—can actually can be supportive partners, perhaps a foresight of what we will continue to learn when they align in their once-every-20-year connection in December.

With Jupiter, Pluto, and Mars (and Saturn until this weekend) in Capricorn, resources are on our mind. We may see our exterior resources dwindling as business-as-usual seeming to have gone by the wayside for the here/now.. All the while, we’re really digging into our personal resources and discovering the depths that reside within us that we may not have seen before. Likely you too have noticed how you’re allocating your resources of time, emotion, and energy (as well as money) differently. See how this may actually be mirroring for you the resources in your life that have a deeper sense of value than you may have previously understood.

Saturn shifted into Aquarius this weekend where—except for between July 1 and December 17 when it hikes back into Capricorn—it will be for the next three years. 

Yet, a week or so before Saturn entered Aquarius it really seemed like its concentrated invitations had already arrived. After all, with all the stay-put-at-home and social-distancing measures in place, as well as how we’re turning to the virtual world (hello, Zoom!) to connect personally and how we’re finding ourselves digging into alembics of altruism, let alone our galvanized efforts to re-structure and re-affirm community connections, it would have seemed that we had already entered that portal, even before Saturday.

Remember that Saturn, when residing in a sign, does call our attention to the foundations of things in the sign’s realms, which may be why they enter into our minds and the zeitgeist so prominently. Not only do we see how these arenas can provide us with support and backbone, we can also see clearly which channels within these realms has a strong structure and which may have cracks in the foundation. 

As such, it seems like we can look at our personal experiences through a similar lens. For example, we may find ourselves right now turning to a swathe of community and collective projects; and yet with Saturn reminding us that there is only so much time, energy, and resources, we may then find ourselves consolidating our approach to invest in those that give us the most return. Additionally, as we seek technological solutions to help us stay connected, we may discover that not all are equal to our needs, and discover which platforms—let alone the ways in which we engage with them—fully has us feeling supported rather than pulled in too many directions.

While those are some of my general thoughts at the moment (I have more—yet given we all have so much information we are processing, I’m trying to consolidate/limit what I share at one time), I did want to note that there is a powerful New Moon on Tuesday. Powerful because it aligns with Chiron, and squares the Lunar Nodes. It may mirror a bright invitation for us to mobilize ourselves into action to champion for healing and finding new ways that societal structures can step up to nurture and take care of people. It may bring us further aware of the amazing and dedicated work (often at their own risk) that those on the front lines—including healthcare workers, delivery drivers, store clerks, and others—are doing in our collective fight to support the health of individuals and societies. If you are one of them, I send you so many thanks from the bottom of my heart. Find the link to it here.

Take good care,



Astrological Highlights

March 23

  • Mars/Pluto Conjunction


March 24

  • Aries New Moon


March 25

  • Sun/Chiron Conjunction


March 27

  • Venus/Jupiter Trine


March 28

  • Venus/Pluto Trine


All days reflect Eastern Time 



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