Taurus New Moon: Finding Center in Uncentering Times
Taurus New Moon (April 22)
When the New Moon occurs in Taurus we have a great opportunity to look within and see what it is that brings us comfort and a greater sense of security. We tune into our rhythms and see how to get into a groove that makes us feel more centered.
Taking the time to examine what activities and earthly delights yield pleasure can help you discover a sense of rootedness that can serve you well during this time and onward. As part of this exercise, think about your habits: Do they actually serve your personal needs for health and happiness or is the pleasure they provide mostly linked to their familiarity? Do they assist you in productively structuring your life or are they on some level limiting, as they don’t let you move readily outside of a narrowly defined comfort zone? Reflecting upon your routines and rituals can be a great fount of awareness during the yearly Taurus New Moon.
Of course, our habits have been thrown upside down, as we adapt to a “new normal” that may, at times, seem anything but normal. With this significant shift we may have gotten more clarity as to which of our habits had been sustaining and which ones truly may not have been letting us have our best selves really shine. And now as we develop new habits, routines, and rituals we are become more aware of just what our habit-creation pattern is, what we take into consideration as we sculpt our routines, and what we honor (or perhaps don’t honor) when we do so.
As it turns out, this year the Taurus New Moon connects to Uranus in Taurus. The planet of do-it-your-own-way, Uranus carries with it revolutionary potential. As such, we may notice that there’s a strong urge that overcomes people to break loose and/or break away, a desire to change things up and take a new tact. Of course, this feeling may be frustrating, notably if it’s reflecting disquietude related to feeling cordoned away owing to shelter-in-place rules. Reflecting this, we may notice more protests and/or people rebelling against an accepted consensus approach to moving forward.
We may also notice this potential within ourselves. As such, we may want to change up what is within our control to change up. Try a new activity, spark innovation in a work project, cook a new recipe, plant those seeds still in their package, interrupt your daily schedule by making space for “me time” – whatever you can do to invite in detours and healthfully disrupt what you may be experiencing as the “same old, same old” can be a fortuitious use of this invitation. Not only may it help you to feel a greater sense of freedom, and experience new things, but it’s a pathway to help tamp down the sense of irrituabilty that sometimes comes our way when the archetypues of Uranus is strongly present.
And of course, during strong Uranus moments, follow one of my favorite tenets and “Stay Bouncy” – keep your proverbial knees bent as you maintain an adaptive composure to greet any unexpecteds that may come your way.
This Taurus New Moon falls at 4 degrees of Taurus (Sun and Moon). While everyone experiences the energies of the New Moon, if you have planets or pivotal points (i.e., Ascendant/Descendant or Nadir/Midheaven) around this degree in Taurus or the other fixed signs—Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius—it may impact you more intensely.
* The new Moon is exact at 10:26 pm EDT