Stellar Insights: August 3 - 9, 2020


How can tension yield growth? This feels like a question to keep in mind this week, especially as the week begins.

The reason I say this is for several reasons.

First, a Full Moon lights up the sky and our hearts on Monday. With the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius, we’re called to strike a balance between the I and the We, between radiating our unique sense of self while doing so in honor—rather than instead—of others and the aims shared by the collective.

One of the ways forward is to consider how you by joining forces with others—notably those who share your visions, values, and dreams of a better world—allows you feel a deeper connection to your heart and the love you generate. Consider contributing to a cause in which you believe deeply, in a way that only you can. The world needs you, and you need the world: recognizing this symbiotic alliance can go a long way towards smoothing out tensions that may otherwise manifest.

All said, this isn’t any ol’ Aquarius Full Moon. After all, it makes a square alignment with innovative Uranus. And with that, we may find ourselves wanting to shake things up, and approach situations in ways that seem out of our/the ordinary. We may find that the same-old/same-old just doesn’t fulfill us and that as much as we may have had resistance to trying something new before that there not only is there nothing to lose by doing so, but that it can actually feel more interesting and rewarding.

This sense of feeling a sense of expansion—whether it seems like we want to draw outside the lines or redraw things so that the lines encompass a bigger area—is also encouraged by the Mars/Jupiter Square that occurs this week. We may find ourselves more fired up and wanting to get down to business in a more action-oriented way. And while it may seem that a dynamic energy surrounds us, we need to be conscious of the actions we take, making sure that while they help us to feel like we are in movement that they are not so now-focused as to take us off the path to long-term sustainable growth. Additionally, it feels important to honor a need to tap into what’s possible while also not pushing ourselves beyond the natural limits that exist: figuring out how to play both the short game and the long game is not an easy task but it is something we should take into consideration as an aim to attain.

Yet, don’t worry: it’s not like you need to be a master of this this week. After all, this isn’t the only Mars/Jupiter Square we’ll have in the near future. Owing to Mars’ upcoming retrograde cycle (beginning September 9), the warrior planet will make this alignment with Jupiter two more times (October 19 and January 23). Having our will be infused with wisdom and our advancement be consciously mobilized feels like a theme that will be on our minds for the coming months.

Finally, also consider that within all of the stirring, surprises, and shake-ups we may feel, it is still important to be really conscientious of the words we use to communicate what we’re thinking and feeling. At the same time, they may feel harder to access as we experience that it takes time and focus to discover how we can capture and express what we want to share. Give yourself time and space so that understanding arises at its natural pace; not only will this approach help to stem tides of irritation, but it will also help you construct communication that will feel more solid and nourishing.


Astrological Highlights

August 3

  • Aquarius Full Moon 

  • Mercury/Saturn Opposition


August 4

  • Mars/Jupiter Square

  • Mercury enters Leo


August 7

  • Venus enters Cancer

All days reflect Eastern Daylight Time (- 7 hours GMT)